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Authors: K. Van Acoleyen, W. Bogaerts, J. Jagerska, N. Le Thomas, R. Houdre, R. Baets
Title: Off-chip beam steering with a one-dimensional optical phased array on silicon-on-insulator
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 5/2009
Journal/Conference/Book: Optics Letters
Volume(Issue): 34(9) p.1477-1479
DOI: 10.1364/ol.34.001477
Citations: 309 ( - last update: 29/9/2024)
112 (OpenCitations - last update: 3/5/2024)
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Optical phased arrays are versatile components enabling rapid and precise beam steering. An integrated approach is followed in which a 1D optical phased array is fabricated on silicon-on-insulator. The optical phased array consists of 16 parallel grating couplers spaced 2 um apart. Steering in one direction is done thermo-optically by means of a titanium electrode on top of the structure using the phased array principle, while steering in the other direction is accomplished by wavelength tuning. At a wavelength of 1550 nm, continuous thermo-optical steering of 2.3° and wavelength steering of 14.1° is reported.

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