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Prof. dr. ir. Peter Bienstman (Professor)
This person is working in this group since 1997.
Peter Bienstman was born in Ghent, Belgium, in 1974. He received a degree in electrical engineering from Ghent University, Belgium, in 1997 and a Ph.D. from the same university in 2001, at the Department of Information Technology (INTEC), where he is currently a full professor. His research interests include several applications of nanophotonics (biosensors, photonic information processing, ...) as well as nanophotonics modelling. He has published over 110 papers and holds several patents. He has been awarded a ERC starting grant for the Naresco-project: Novel paradigms for massively parallel nanophotonic information processing.Specific Research Topics
Current PhD Students
Graduated PhDs-
Peter Vandersteegen, Modellering van het optische gedrag in organische LEDs voor verlichting, Modeling of the Optical Behavior of Organic LEDs for illumination, (11/2008)
Peter Debackere, Nanofotonische biosensor gebaseerd op oppervlakte-plasmon interferentie, Nanophotonic Biosensor based on Surface Plasmon Interference, (1/2010)
Katrien De Vos, Labelvrij fotonisch biosensorplatform met silicium-op-isolator microring resonatoren, Label-Free Silicon Photonics Biosensor Platform with Microring Resonators, (4/2010)
Khai Quang Le, Naar efficiente driedimensionale wijdhoek-bundelpropagatiemethodes en theoretische studie van nanostructuren voor verbeterde prestaties van fotonische componenten, Towards Efficient Three-Dimensional Wide-Angle Beam Propagation Methods and Theoretical Study of Nanostructures for Enhanced Performance of Photonic Devices, (6/2011)
Kristof Vandoorne, Fotonisch Reservoir Computing met een netwerk van gekoppelde optische halfgeleiderversterkers, Photonic Reservoir Computing with a Network of Coupled Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers, (12/2011)
Tom Claes, Labelvrije biosensoren op basis van geavanceerde fotonische ringresonatoren in silicium, Advanced Silicon Photonic Ring Resonator Label-free Biosensors, (6/2012)
Honghui Shen, Numerieke studie van lichtopsluiting met metallische nanostructuren in organische zonnecellen, Numerical Study of Light Confinement with Metallic Nanostructures in Organic Solar Cells, (8/2012)
Elewout Hallynck, Toepassingen van geintegreerde fotonische structuren op membranen gefabriceerd door lokaal etsen van het siliciumsubstraat, Applications of Integrated Photonic Structures on Membranes Fabricated by Locally Etching the Silicon Substrate, (6/2013)
Martin Fiers, Nanofotonische Reservoir Computing met fotonischekristalcaviteiten, Nanophotonic Reservoir Computing Using Photonic Crystal Cavities, (6/2013)
Cristina Lerma Arce, Innovatieve microfluidische platformen gebaseerd op fotonische ringresonatorsensoren, Novel Microfluidic Platforms Incorporating Photonic Ring Resonator Sensors, (1/2014)
Thomas Van Vaerenbergh, Optische gepulste neuronen geintegreerd op een fotonische chip, All-Optical Spiking Neurons Integrated on a Photonic Chip, (5/2014)
Sam Werquin, Optimalisaties van een biosensorplatform met ringresonatoren voor toepassingen in DNA-detectie, Optimizations of a Ring Resonator Biosensor Platform for Applications in DNA Detection, (1/2015)
Jan-Willem Hoste, Ringresonator met tweevoudige polarisatie voor conformationele analyse van lagen met moleculaire afmetingen, Dual Polarization Ring Resonator for Conformational Analysis of Molecular-sized Layers, (10/2015)
Daan Martens, Fotonische biosensoren in siliciumnitride met een geintegreerde golflengtefilter uitgelezen door een breedbandige lichtbron, Photonic Biosensors in Silicon Nitride with an On-Chip Spectral Filter Read Out by a Broadband Light Source, (6/2017)
Andrew Katumba, Energie-efficient fotonisch neuromorf rekenen voor telecommunicatietoepassingen, Energy-Efficient Photonic Neuromorphic Computing for Telecommunication Applications, (2/2019)
Antonio Ribeiro, Bouwstenen en subcircuits voor programmeerbare circuits in siliciumfotonica, Building Blocks and Subcircuits for Programmable Silicon Photonic Circuits, (5/2019)
Floris Laporte, Nieuwe architecturen voor brein-geinspireerde fotonische computers, Novel architectures for brain-inspired photonic computers, (3/2020)
Alessio Lugnan, Op fotonica gebaseerd machinaal leren om labelvrije flowcytometrie te versnellen en te vereenvoudigen , Photonics-Based Machine Learning to Speed up and Simplify Label-Free Flow Cytometry , (9/2021)
Emmanuel Gooskens, De golflengtedimensie in photonic reservoir computing, The Wavelength Dimension in Photonic Reservoir Computing, (5/2024)

P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
A system for guiding a beam of electromagnetic radiation
P. Bienstman, S. Werquin,
System for Coupling Radiation into a Waveguide
P. Bienstman, A. Lugnan, F. Laporte,
Object classification system and method
P. Bienstman, F. Laporte, A. Lugnan,
Mixing wave-based computing
P. Bienstman, Liesbet Lagae, Geert Vanmeerbeeck, Joni Dambre, B. Schneider,
Holographic Device and Object Sorting System
P. Bienstman, Joni dambre, K.T Vandoorne,
Reservoir computing using passive physical systems
P. Bienstman, T. Claes, W. Bogaerts,
Vernier photonic sensor data-analysis
P. Bienstman, T. Claes, K. De Vos, J.W. Hoste, W. Bogaerts,
Methods and systems for sensing
P.P.P. Debackere, S. Scheerlinck, R. Baets, P. Bienstman,
Integrated surface mode biosensor
S. Assefa, P. Bienstman, S. Johnson, G. Petrich, L. Kolodziejski, A. Erchak, J. Joannopoulos,
Waveguide coupling into photonic crystal waveguides
Publications (513)International Journals
S. Masaad, S. Sackesyn, Stylianos Sygletos, P. Bienstman,
Experimental Demonstration of 4-Port Photonic Reservoir Computing for Equalization of 4 and 16 QAM Signals, Journal of Lightwave Technologies, 42(24), p.8555-8563 doi:10.1109/JLT.2024.3444480 (2024)
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A. Lugnan, S. Aggarwal, F. Brückerhoff-Plückelmann, D. Wright, W. Pernice, H. Bhaskaran, P. Bienstman,
Emergent self-adaptation in an integrated photonic neural network for backpropagation-free learning, Advanced Science, p.2404920 doi:10.1002/advs.202404920 (2024)
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A. Zelaci, S. Masaad, P. Bienstman,
Reservoir computing for equalization in a self-coherent receiver scheme, Optics Express, 32(23), p.40326-40339 doi:10.1364/OE.534576 (2024)
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J. Van Asch, A. Kandeel, J. He, J. Missine, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout, G. Van Steenberge, J. Van Campenhout,
A methodical approach to design adiabatic waveguide couplers for heterogeneous integrated photonics, Journal of Physics: Photonics, 6, p.045013 doi:10.1088/2515-7647/ad7cae (2024)
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B. Dong, F. Brückerhoff-Plückelmann, L. Meyer, J. Dijkstra, I. Bente, D. Wendland, A. Varri, S. Aggarwal, N. Farmakidis, M. Wang, G. Yang, J. Sang Lee, Y. He, E.J.C. Gooskens, D.-L. Kwong, P. Bienstman, W. Pernice, H. Bhaskaran,
Partial coherence enhances parallelized photonic computing, Nature, 632, p.55-62 doi:10.1038/s41586-024-07590-y (2024)
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I. Bauwens, K. Harkhoe, E.J.C. Gooskens, P. Bienstman, G. Verschaffelt, G. Van der Sande,
Combining a passive spatial photonic reservoir computer with a semiconductor laser increases its nonlinear computational capacity, Optics Express, 32(14), p.24328-24345 doi:10.1364/OE.518654 (2024)
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S. Masaad, P. Bienstman,
Opto-Electronic Machine Learning Network for Kramers-Kronig Receiver Linearization , Optics Express, 32(13), p.23561-23574 doi:10.1364/OE.522673 (2024)
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S. Abreu, I. Boikov, M. Goldmann, T. Jonuzi, A. Lupo, S. Masaad, L. Nguyen, E. Picco, G. Pourcel, A. Skalli, L. Talandier, B. Vettelschoss, E.A. Vlieg, A. Argyris, P. Bienstman, D. Brunner, J. Dambre, L. Daudet, J.D. Domenech, I. Fischer, F. Horst, S. Massar, C.R. Mirasso, B.J. Offrein, A. Rossi, M.C. Soriano, S. Sygletos, S.K. Turitsyn,
A photonics perspective on computing with physical substrates, accepted for publication in Reviews in Physics, (to be published)
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R. Shi, Fabian Bohm, T. Van Vaerenbergh, P. Bienstman,
Enhancing the performance of coherent Ising machines in the large-noise regime with a fifth-order nonlinearity, Optics Express, 32(12), p.21681-21695 doi:https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.522474 (2024)
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R. De Prins, G. Van der Sande, P. Bienstman,
A recurrent Gaussian quantum network for online processing of quantum time series, Scientific Reports, 14(1), doi:10.1038/s41598-024-61004-7 (2024)
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M. Gouda, S. Abreu, P. Bienstman,
Surrogate gradient learning in spiking networks trained on event-based cytometry dataset, Optics Express, 32(9), p.16260-16272 doi:10.1364/OE.518323 (2024)
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M. Yan, C. Huang, P. Bienstman, P. Tino, W. Lin, J. Sun,
Emerging opportunities and challenges for the future of reservoir computing, Nature Communications (invited), 15, p.2056 doi:10.1038/s41467-024-45187-1 (2024)
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E.J.C. Gooskens, S. Sackesyn, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Experimental results on nonlinear distortion compensation using photonic reservoir computing with a single set of weights for different wavelengths, Scientific Reports, 13(21399), doi:doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-48816-9 (2023)
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Z. Fu, Z. Wang, P. Bienstman, R. Jiang, T. Jia, H. Wang, C. Shang, C. Wu,
Threshold plasticity of SOI-GST microring resonators, Optics Express, 31(22), p.37325-37335 doi:https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.505588 (2023)
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C. Ma, J. Van Kerrebroeck, H. Deng, S. Sackesyn, E.J.C. Gooskens, B. Bai, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Integrated photonic reservoir computing with an all-optical readout, Optics Express, 31(21), p.34843-34854 doi:https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.502354 (2023)
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M. Gouda, A. Lugnan, J. Dambre, G. V. Branden, C. Posch, P. Bienstman,
Improving the classification accuracy in label-free flow cytometry using event-based vision and simple logistic regression, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, (Optical computing), p.8 doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2023.3244040 (2023)
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Z. Fu, Z. Wang, P. Bienstman, R. Jiang, J. Wang, C. Wu,
Programmable low-power consumption all-optical nonlinear activation functions using a micro-ring resonator with phase-change materials, Optics Express, 30(25), p.44934-44953 doi:10.1364/OE.476110 (2022)
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I. Bauwens, G. Van der Sande, P. Bienstman, G. Verschaffelt,
Using photonic reservoirs as preprocessors for deep neural networks, Frontiers in Physics, 10, p.1-14 doi:10.3389/fphy.2022.1051941 (2022)
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K. Sozos, A. Bogris, P. Bienstman, G. Sarantoglou, S. Deligiannidis, C. Mesaritakis,
High-speed photonic neuromorphic computing using recurrent optical spectrum slicing neural networks, Communications Engineering, 1, p.1-10 doi:10.1038/s44172-022-00024-5 (2022)
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S. Masaad, E.J.C. Gooskens, S. Sackesyn, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Photonic reservoir computing for nonlinear equalization of 64-QAM signals with a Kramers-Kronig receiver, Nanophotonics, (2022)
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I. Bauwens, K. Harkhoe, P. Bienstman, G. Verschaffelt, G. Van der Sande,
Transfer learning for photonic delay-based reservoir computing to compensate parameter drift, Nanophotonics, p.1-13 doi:10.1515/nanoph-2022-0399 (2022)
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A. Lugnan, Santiago Garcia-Cuevas Carrillo, C. David Wright, P. Bienstman,
Rigorous dynamic model of a silicon ring resonator with phase change material for a neuromorphic node, Optics Express, 30(14), p.25177-25194 doi:10.1364/OE.459364 (2022)
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E.J.C. Gooskens, F. Laporte, C. Ma, S. Sackesyn, P. Bienstman,
Wavelength Dimension in Waveguide-Based Photonic Reservoir Computing, Optics Express, 30(9), p.15634-15647 doi:10.1364/OE.455774 (2022).
I. Bauwens, K. Harkhoe, P. Bienstman, G. Verschaffelt, G. Van der Sande,
Influence of the input signal's phase modulation on the performance of optical delay-based reservoir computing using semiconductor lasers, Optice Express, 30(8), p.13434-13446 (2022)
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C. Ma, J. Lambrecht, F. Laporte, X. Yin, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Comparing different nonlinearities in readout systems for optical neuromorphic computing networks, Scientific Reports , 11, p.24152 doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-03594-0 (2021)
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S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Experimental realization of integrated photonic reservoir computing for nonlinear fiber distortion compensation, Optics Express, 29(20), p.30991-30997 doi:10.1364/OE.435013 (2021)
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Santiago Garcia-Cuevas Carrillo, A. Lugnan, Emanuele Gemo, P. Bienstman, Wolfram H. P. Pernice, Harish Bhaskaran, C. David Wright,
System-Level Simulation for Integrated Phase-Change Photonics, Journal of lightwave technology, 39(20), p. 6392 - 6402 doi:10.1109/JLT.2021.3099914 (2021)
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C. Ma, F. Laporte, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Addressing limited weight resolution in a fully optical neuromorphic reservoir computing readout, Scientific Reports, 11, p.article number 3102 (9 pages) doi:10.1038/s41598-021-82720-4 (2021)
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F. Laporte, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Simulating self-learning in photorefractive optical reservoir computers, Scientific Reports, 11, p.2701 doi:10.1038/s41598-021-81899-w (2021)
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A. Lugnan, E.J.C. Gooskens, J. Vatin, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Machine learning issues and opportunities in ultrafast particle classification for label‑free microflow cytometry, Scientific Reports, 10(1), p.1-13 doi:10.1038/s41598-020-77765-w (2020)
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M. Freiberger, P. Bienstman, J. Dambre,
A training algorithm for networks of high-variability reservoirs, Scientific Reports, 10, p.1342 doi:10.1038/s41598-020-71549-y (2020)
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A. Lugnan, A. Katumba, F. Laporte, M. Freiberger, S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, E.J.C. Gooskens, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Photonic neuromorphic information processing and reservoir computing, APL Photonics (invited), 5, p.020901 doi:10.1063/1.5129762 (2020)
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K. Harkhoe, G. Verschaffelt, A. Katumba, P. Bienstman, G. Van der Sande,
Demonstrating delay-based reservoir computing using a compact photonic integrated chip, Optics Express, 28(3), p.3086-3096 (2020)
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M. Freiberger, C. Ma, S. Sackesyn, A. Katumba, P. Bienstman, J. Dambre,
Improving time series prediction with networks and ensembles of passive photonic reservoirs, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (invited), 26(1), p.7700611 doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2019.2929699 (2020)
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S.G.-C. Carrillo, E.Gemo, X. Li, N. Youngblood, A. Katumba, P. Bienstman, W. Pernice, H. Bhaskaran, C.D. Wright,
Behavioral modeling of integrated phase-change photonic devices for neuromorphic computing applications, APL Materials, 7, p.091113 doi:10.1063/1.5111840 (2019)
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M. Freiberger, A. Katumba, P. Bienstman, J. Dambre,
Training Passive Photonic Reservoirs with Integrated Optical Readout, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 30(7), p.1943-1953 doi:10.1109/tnnls.2018.2874571 (2019).
F. Laporte, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Highly parallel simulation and optimization of photonic circuits in time and frequency domain based on the deep-learning framework PyTorch, Scientific Reports, 9(1), p.5918 doi:10.1038/s41598-019-42408-2 (2019)
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D. Martens, P. Bienstman,
Study on the limit of detection in MZI-based biosensor systems, Scientific Reports, 9, p.5767 doi:10.1038/s41598-019-42305-8 (2019)
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A. Katumba, X. Yin, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
A Neuromorphic Silicon Photonics Nonlinear Equalizer for Optical Communication with Intensity Modulation and Direct-Detection, Journal of Lightwave Technologies, 37(10), p.2232-2239 doi:10.1109/JLT.2019.2900568 (2019)
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M. Murib, D. Martens, P. Bienstman,
Label-free real-time optical monitoring of DNA hybridization using SiN Mach-Zehnder interferometer-based integrated biosensing platform, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 23(12), p.127002 doi:10.1117/1.JBO.23.12.127002 (2018)
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F. Denis-le Coarer, M. Sciamanna, A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman, D. Rontani,
All-optical reservoir computing on a photonic chip using silicon-based ring resonators, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24(6), doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2018.2836985 (2018).
A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, F. Laporte, A. Lugnan, S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Neuromorphic computing based on silicon photonics and reservoir computing, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (invited), 24(6), p.8300310 (10 pages) doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2018.2821843 (2018).
P. Ramirez-Priego, D. Martens, A. A. Elamin, P. Soetaert, W. Van Roy, R. Vos, B. Anton, R. Bockstaele, H. Becker, M. Singh, P. Bienstman, L.M. Lechuga,
Label-free and real-time detection of tuberculosis in human urine samples using a nanophotonic point-of-care platform, ACS Sensors, 3(10), p.2079-2086 doi:10.1021/acssensors.8b00393 (2018)
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D. Martens, P.Raminez-Priego, M. Murib, A.A. Elamin, A.B. Gonzalez-Guerrero, M. Stehr, F. Jonas, B. Anton, N. Hlawatch, P. Soetaert, R. Vos, A. Stassen, S. Severi, W. Van Roy, R. Bockstaele, H. Becker, M. Singh, L.M. Lechuga, P. Bienstman,
A low-cost integrated biosensing platform based on SiN nanophotonics for biomarker detection in urine, Analytical Methods, 10(25), p.3066-3073 doi:10.1039/c8ay00666k (2018)
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F. Laporte, A. Katumba, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Numerical demonstration of neuromorphic computing with photonic crystal cavities, Optics Express, 26(7), p.7955-7964 doi:10.1364/OE.26.007955 (2018)
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A. Katumba, J. Heyvaert, B. Schneider, S. Uvin, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Low-Loss Photonic Reservoir Computing with Multimode Photonic Integrated Circuits, Scientific Reports, 8(1), p.2653 doi:10.1038/s41598-018-21011-x (2018)
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A. Lugnan, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Integrated pillar scatterers for speeding up classification of cell holograms, Optics Express, 25(24), p.30526-30538 doi:10.1364/oe.25.030526 (2017)
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A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
A Multiple-Input Strategy to Efficient Integrated Photonic Reservoir Computing, Cognitive Computation, 9(3), p.307-314 doi:10.1007/s12559-017-9465-5 (2017).
D. Martens, P. Bienstman,
Comparison between Vernier-cascade and MZI as transducer for biosensing with on-chip spectral filter, Nanophotonics 2017, doi:10.1515/nanoph-2016-0181 (2017)
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A. Rahim, E.M.P. Ryckeboer, A. Subramanian, S. Clemmen, B. Kuyken, A. Raza, A. Hermans, M. Muneeb, S. Dhoore, Y. Li, U.D. Dave, P. Bienstman, N. Le Thomas, G. Roelkens, D. Van Thourhout, P. Helin, S. Severi, X. Rottenberg, R. Baets,
Expanding the Silicon Photonics Portfolio with Silicon Nitride Photonic Integrated Circuits, Journal of Lightwave Technology (invited), 35(4), p.639-649 doi:10.1109/JLT.2016.2617624 (2017)
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A. Van Eeghem, S. Werquin, J.F.I.B Hoste, A. Goes, E. Vanderleyden, P. Dubruel, P. Bienstman,
Double positive effect of adding hexaethyelene glycol when optimizing the hybridization efficiency of a microring DNA detection assay, Applied Surface Science, p.321-328 doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.02.064 (2017)
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D. Martens, D. Genghua, P. Bienstman,
Optimized Si3N4 grating couplers for relaxed alignment requirements under flood illumination, Applied Optics, 56(5), p.1286-1290 doi:10.1364/ao.56.001286 (2017)
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B. Schneider, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Using digital masks to enhance the bandwidth tolerance and improve performance in on-chip reservoir computing systems, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 27(12), p.2748-2753 doi:10.1109/TNNLS.2015.2498763 (2016)
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A. Li, T. Van Vaerenbergh, P. De Heyn, P. Bienstman, W. Bogaerts,
Backscattering in Silicon Microring Resonators: A Quantitative Analysis, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 10(3), p.420-431 doi:10.1002/lpor.201500207 (2016)
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R. Morarescu, P. Pal, N. Teigell Beneitez, J. Missine, G. Van Steenberge, P. Bienstman, G. Morthier,
Fabrication and Characterization of High-Optical-Quality-Factor Hybrid Polymer Microring Resonators Operating at Very Near Infrared Wavelengths, IEEE Photonics Journal, 8, p.6600409 doi:10.1109/JPHOT.2016.2544641 (2016)
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A. Abbasi, C. Spatharakis, G. Kanakis, N. Sequeira André, H. Louchet, A. Katumba, J. Verbist, H. Avramopoulos, P. Bienstman, X. Yin, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
High Speed Direct Modulation of a Heterogeneously Integrated InP/SOI DFB Laser, Journal of Lightwave Technolgy (invited), 34(8), p.1683-1687 doi:10.1109/jlt.2015.2510868 (2016)
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J.W. Hoste, P. Soetaert, P. Bienstman,
Improving the detection limit of conformational analysis by utilizing a dual polarization Vernier cascade, Optics Express, 24(1), p.67-81 doi:10.1364/oe.24.000067 (2016)
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B. Schneider, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Fast particle characterization using digital holography and neural networks, Applied Optics, 55(1), p.133-139 doi: 10.1364/AO.55.000133 (2016)
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S. Dwivedi, A. Ruocco, M. Vanslembrouck, T. Spuesens, P. Bienstman, P. Dumon, T. Van Vaerenbergh, W. Bogaerts,
Experimental Extraction of Effective Refractive Index and Thermo-Optic Coefficients of Silicon-On-Insulator Waveguides using Interferometers, Journal of Lightwave Technology , 33(21), p.4471 - 4477 doi:10.1109/JLT.2015.2476603 (2015)
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Michiel Hermans, Miguel C. Soriano, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman, Ingo Fisher,
Photonic delay systems as machine learning implementations, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 16, p.2081-2097 (2015)
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M. Hermans, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Optoelectronic systems trained with backpropagation through time, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 26(7), p.1545-1550 doi:10.1109/tnnls.2014.2344002 (2015)
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J. Sabate del Rio, T. Steylaerts, O.Y.F. Henry, P. Bienstman, T. Stakenborg, W. Van Roy, C.K. O'Sullivan,
Real-time and label-free ring-resonator monitoring of solid-phase re-combinase polymerase amplification, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 73, p.130-137 doi:10.1016/j.bios.2015.05.063 (2015)
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A. Subramanian, E.M.P. Ryckeboer, A. Dhakal, F. Peyskens, A. Malik, B. Kuyken, H. Zhao, S. Pathak, A. Ruocco, A. De Groote, P.C. Wuytens, D. Martens, F. Leo, W. Xie, U.D. Dave, M. Muneeb, Pol Van Dorpe, J. Van Campenhout, W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, N. Le Thomas, D. Van Thourhout, Zeger Hens, G. Roelkens, R. Baets,
Silicon and silicon nitride photonic circuits for spectroscopic sensing on-a-chip , Photonics Research (invited), 5(3), p.B47 doi:10.1364/PRJ.3.000B47 (2015)
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Q. Vinckier, F. Duport, A. Smerieri, K.T Vandoorne, P. Bienstman, M. Haelterman, S. Massar,
High-performance photonic reservoir computer based on a coherently driven passive cavity, Optica, 2(5), p.438-446 doi:10.1364/optica.2.000438 (2015)
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M. Hermans, M. Burm, T. Van Vaerenbergh, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Trainable hardware for dynamical computing using error backpropagation through physical media, Nature Communications, 6, p.article 7729 ( 8 pages) doi:10.1038/ncomms7729 (2015)
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M.S. Murib, W.S. Yeap, D. Martens, X. Liu, P. Bienstman, M. Fahlman, M.J. Schoning, L. Michiels, K. Haenen, A. Serpenguzel, P. Wagner,
Photonic studies on polymer-coated sapphire-spheres: a model system for biological ligands, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 222, p.212-219 doi:10.1016/j.sna.2014.11.024 (2015)
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T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Efficient simulation of optical nonlinear cavity circuits, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 47(6), p. 1471-1476 doi:10.1007/s11082-015-0123-4 (2015)
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D. Martens, A. Subramanian, S. Pathak, M. Vanslembrouck, P. Bienstman, W. Bogaerts, R. Baets,
Compact Silicon Nitride Arrayed Waveguide Gratings for Very Near-infrared Wavelengths, Photonics Technology Letters, 27(2), p.137 - 140 doi:10.1109/LPT.2014.2363298 (2015)
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S. Werquin, Y. De Koninck, P. Bienstman,
Ring resonators wioth vertically coupling grating for densely mulitplexed applications, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 27(1), p.97-100 doi:10.1109/LPT.2014.2362844 (2015)
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M. S. Murib, W.-S. Yeap, D. Martens, P. Bienstman, W. De Ceuninck, B. van Grinsven, M.J. Schöning, L. Michiels, K. Haenen, M. Ameloot, A. Serpeng¨¹zel, P. Wagner,
Photonic detection and characterization of DNA using sapphire microspheres, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 19(9), p.097006 doi:10.1117/1.jbo.19.9.097006 (2014)
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S. Werquin, D. Vermeulen, P. Bienstman,
Implementation of Surface Gratings for Reduced Coupling Noise in Silicon-on-Insulator Circuits, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26(16), p.1589 - 1592 doi:10.1109/lpt.2014.2326735 (2014)
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W. Xie, M. Fiers, S. Selvaraja, P. Bienstman, J. Van Campenhout, Philippe Absil, D. Van Thourhout,
High-Q Photonic Crystal Nanocavities on 300mm SOI Substrate Fabricated With 193 nm Immersion Lithography, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 32(18), p.1457 - 1462 doi:10.1109/JLT.2014.2308061 (2014)
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K.T Vandoorne, P. Mechet, T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, G. Morthier, D. Verstraeten, B. Schrauwen, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Experimental demonstration of a reservoir computing on a silicon photonics chip, Nature Communications, 5, p.1-6 doi:10.1038/ncomms4541 (2014)
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M. Fiers, T. Van Vaerenbergh, F. Wyffels, D. Verstraeten, B. Schrauwen, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Nanophotonic reservoir computing with photonic crystal cavities to generate periodic patterns, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 25(2), p.344 - 355 doi:10.1109/tnnls.2013.2274670 (2014)
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J.W. Hoste, S. Werquin, T. Claes, P. Bienstman,
Conformational analysis of proteins with a dual polarisation silicon microring, Optics Express, 22(3), p.2807-2820 doi:10.1364/oe.22.002807 (2014)
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C. Lerma Arce, S. Van Put, A. Goes, E. Hallynck, P. Dubruel, K. Komorowska, P. Bienstman,
Reaction tubes: A new platform for silicon nanophotonic ring resonator sensors, Journal of Applied Physics, 115, p.044702 doi:10.1063/1.4863782 (2014)
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M. Hermans, B. Schrauwen, P. Bienstman, J. Dambre,
Automated design of complex dynamic systems, PloS ONE, 9(9), p.article e86696 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086696 (2014)
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K. Alexander, T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, P. Mechet, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Excitability in optically injected microdisk lasers with phase controlled excitatory and inhibitory response, Optics Express, 21(22), p.26182-26191 doi:10.1364/oe.21.026182 (2013)
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T. Van Vaerenbergh, K. Alexander, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Excitation transfer between optically injected microdisk lasers, Optics Express, 21(23), p.28922-28932 doi:10.1364/oe.21.028922 (2013)
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T. Van Vaerenbergh, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman, J.A. Levenson, A. Yacomotti,
Lumped circuit heat model of photonic crystal membrane nanocavities, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, p.967 - 969 doi:10.1109/jqe.2013.2283576 (2013)
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E.M.P. Ryckeboer, J. Vierendeels, A. Lee, S. Werquin, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Measurement of small molecule diffusion with an optofluidic silicon chip, Lab on a Chip, 13(22), p.4392 - 4399 doi:10.1039/C3LC50752A (2013)
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M. Fiers, E. Lambert, S. Pathak, P. Dumon, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, W. Bogaerts,
Improving the design cycle for nanophotonic components, Journal of Computational Science, 4(5), p.313-324 doi:10.1016/j.jocs.2013.05.008 (2013)
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E. Hallynck, P. Bienstman,
Digital Microfluidics With Pressure-Based Actuation, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25(17), p.1656-1659 doi:10.1109/LPT.2013.2272756 (2013)
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S. Werquin, S. Verstuyft, P. Bienstman,
Integrated interferometric approach to solve microring resonance splitting in biosensor applications, Optics Express, 21(14), p.16955-16963 doi:10.1364/oe.21.016955 (2013)
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C. Lerma Arce, S. Van Put, A. Goes, E. Hallynck, P. Dubruel, K. Komorowska, P. Bienstman,
Reaktiongefaesse als neue Plattform fuer Sensoren mit nanophotonischen Silizium-Ringresonatoren, BioPhotonik, 6(2), p.40-42 (2013)
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T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Simplified description of self-pulsation and excitability by thermal and free-carrier effects in semiconductor microcavities, Physical Review A, 86(6), p.063808 doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.86.063808 (2012)
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C. Lerma Arce, D. Witters, R. Puers, J. Lammertyn, P. Bienstman,
Silicon Photonic Sensors incorporated in a Digital Microfluidic System, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 404(10), p.2887-2894 doi:10.1007/s00216-012-6319-6 (2012)
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T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, P. Mechet, T. Spuesens, R. Kumar, G. Morthier, B. Schrauwen, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Cascadable Excitability in microrings, Optics Express, 20(18), p.20292-20308 doi:10.1364/oe.20.020292 (2012)
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L. Wang, J. Ren, X. Han, T. Claes, X. Jian, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, M. Zhao, G. Morthier,
A Label-Free Optical Biosensor Built on a Low Cost Polymer Platform, IEEE Photonics Journal, 4(3), p.920-930 doi:10.1109/jphot.2012.2200671 (2012)
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M. Fiers, T. Van Vaerenbergh, K. Caluwaerts, D. Vande Ginste, B. Schrauwen, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Time-domain and frequency-domain modeling of nonlinear optical components on circuit-level using a node-based approach, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 29(5), p.896–900 doi:10.1364/josab.29.000896 (2012)
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E. Hallynck, P. Bienstman,
Integrated optical pressure sensors in silicon-on-insulator, IEEE Photonics Journal, 4(2), p.443-450 doi:10.1109/JPHOT.2012.2189614 (2012)
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K. Quang Le, A. Abass, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, Andrea Alu,
Comparing plasmonic and dielectric gratings for absorption enhancement in thin-film organic solar cells, Optics Express, 20(S1), p.A39-A50 doi:10.1364/oe.20.000a39 (2012)
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W. Bogaerts, P. De Heyn, T. Van Vaerenbergh, K. De Vos, S. Selvaraja, T. Claes, P. Dumon, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
Silicon microring resonators, Lasers & Photonics Reviews, 6(1), p.47-73 doi:10.1002/lpor.201100017 (2012)
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T. Claes, W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman,
Vernier-cascade label-free biosensor with integrated arrayed waveguide grating for wavelength interrogation with low-cost broadband source, Optics Letters, 36(17), p.3320--3322 doi:10.1364/OL.36.003320 (2011)
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Dylewicz, R, Hogg, R.A., Airey, R., Paszkiewicz, R, P. Bienstman, Patela, S.,
Simulations of nanograting-assisted light coupling in GaN planar waveguide, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 42, doi:10.1007/s11082-011-9485-4 (2011)
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K.T Vandoorne, J. Dambre, D. Verstraeten, B. Schrauwen, P. Bienstman,
Parallel reservoir computing using optical amplifiers, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 22(9), p.1469-1481 doi:10.1109/tnn.2011.2161771 (2011)
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K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman,
Enhanced Sensitivity of Silicon-On-Insulator Surface Plasmon Interferometer with Additional Silicon Layer , IEEE Photonics Journal, 3(3), p.538-545 doi:10.1109/jphot.2011.2156778 (2011)
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E. Lambert, M. Fiers, S. Nizamov, M. Tassaert, S. G. Johnson, P. Bienstman, W. Bogaerts,
Python bindings for the open source electromagnetic simulator MEEP., Computing in Science and Engineering, 13(3), p.53-65 doi:10.1109/mcse.2010.98 (2011)
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C. Lerma Arce, K. De Vos, T. Claes, K. Komorowska, D. Van Thourhout, P. Bienstman,
Silicon-on-insulator microring resonator sensor integrated on an optical fiber facet, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23(13), p.890-892 doi:10.1109/lpt.2011.2143704 (2011)
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K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman,
Optical modeling of plasmonic nanoparticles enhanced light emission of silicon light-emitting diodes, Plasmonics, 6(1), p.53-57 doi:10.1007/s11468-010-9168-1 (2011)
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A. Abass, H. Shen, P. Bienstman, B. Maes,
Angle insensitive enhancement of organic solar cells using metallic gratings, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, p.023111 doi:10.1063/1.3533980 (2011)
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K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman,
Padé Approximate Solution for Wave Propagation in Graded-Index Metamaterials, Journal of Optics, 13, p.024015 doi:10.1088/2040-8978/13/2/024015 (2010)
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T. Claes, W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman,
Experimental characterization of a silicon photonic biosensor consisting of two cascaded ring resonators based on the Vernier-effect and introduction of a curve fitting method for an improved detection limit, Optics Express, 18(22), p.22747--22761 doi:10.1364/oe.18.022747 (2010)
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E. Hallynck, P. Bienstman,
Photonic crystal biosensor based on angular spectrum analysis, Optics Express, 18(17), p.18164-18170 doi:10.1364/OE.18.018164 (2010)
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K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman,
The complex Jacobi iterative method for non-paraxial beam propagation in nonlinear optical waveguides, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 41(9), p.705-709 doi:10.1007/s11082-010-9382-2 (2010)
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T. Pinheiro-Ortega, E. Silvestre, P. Andres, B. Maes, P. Bienstman,
Design of bimodal PCFs for interferometric gas sensors with high sensitivity, IEEE Sensors Journal, 10(7), p.1180-1184 doi:10.1109/jsen.2010.2046032 (2010)
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K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman,
Three-dimensional higher-order Padé approximant-based wide-angle beam propagation method using complex Jacobi iteration, Electronics Letters, 46(3), p.231-233 doi:10.1049/el.2010.3204 (2010)
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K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman,
A stable complex Jacobi iterative solution of 3D semivectorial wide-angle beam propagation using the iterated Crank-Nicholson method, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 41(215-221), doi:10.1007/s11082-009-9346-6 (2009)
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K. Quang Le, T. Benson, P. Bienstman,
Application of modified Padé approximant operators to time-domain beam propagation methods, Journal of Optical Society of America B, 26(12), p.2285-2289 doi:10.1364/josab.26.002285 (2009)
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K. De Vos, J. Girones Molera, T. Claes, Y. De Koninck, S. Popelka, E. Schacht, R. Baets, P. Bienstman,
Multiplexed antibody detection with an array of silicon-on-insulator microring resonators, IEEE Photonics Journal, 1(4), p.225-235 doi:10.1109/JPHOT.2009.2035433 (2009)
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H. Shen, P. Bienstman, B. Maes,
Plasmonic absorption enhancement in organic solar cells with thin active layers, Journal of Applied Physics, 106(7), p.073109 doi:10.1063/1.3243163 (2009)
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P.P.P. Debackere, R. Baets, P. Bienstman,
Bulk sensing experiments using a surface-plasmon interferometer, Optics Letters, 34(18), p.2858-2860 doi:10.1364/ol.34.002858 (2009)
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T. Claes, J. Girones Molera, K. De Vos, E. Schacht, R. Baets, P. Bienstman,
Label-Free Biosensing With a Slot-Waveguide-Based Ring Resonator in Silicon on Insulator, IEEE Photonics Journal, 1(3), p.197-204 doi:10.1109/JPHOT.2009.2031596 (2009)
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B. Maes, M. Fiers, P. Bienstman,
Self-pulsing and chaos in short chains of coupled nonlinear microcavities, Physical Review A, 80, p.033805 doi:10.1103/physreva.80.033805 (2009)
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K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman,
Fast three-dimensional generalized rectangular wide-angle BPM using complex Jacobi iteration, Journal of Optical Society of America B, 26(7), p.1469-1472 doi:10.1364/josab.26.001469 (2009)
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S. Scheerlinck, P. Dubruel, P. Bienstman, E. Schacht, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
Metal grating patterning on fiber facets by UV-based nano imprint and transfer lithography using optical alignment, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 27(10), doi:10.1109/jlt.2008.2004955 (2009)
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K. De Vos, J. Girones, S. Popelka, E. Schacht, R. Baets, P. Bienstman,
SOI optical microring resonator with poly(ethylene glycol) polymer brush for label-free biosensor applications, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 24(8), p.2528-2533 doi:10.1016/j.bios.2009.01.009 (2009)
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K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman,
Wide-angle beam propagation method without using slowly varying envelope approximation, Journal of Optical Society of America B, 26(2), p.353-356 doi:10.1364/josab.26.000353 (2009)
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W. Bogaerts, P. Bradt, L. Vanholme, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Closed-loop modeling of silicon nanophotonics from design to fabrication and back again , Optical and Quantum Electronics, 40(11), p.801-811 doi:10.1007/s11082-008-9265-y (2009)
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K. Quang Le, R. Godoy-Rubio, P. Bienstman, G. R. Hadley,
The complex Jacobi iterative method for three-dimensional wide-angle beam propagation: erratum, Optics Express, 16(26), p.21942-21942 doi:10.1364/oe.16.021942 (2008)
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J. Schrauwen, J. Van Lysebettens, T. Claes, K. De Vos, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
Focused-ion-beam fabrication of slots in silicon waveguides and ring resonators, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20(23), p.2004 doi:10.1109/lpt.2008.2006001 (2008)
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K. Quang Le, R. Godoy-Rubio, P. Bienstman, G. Ronald Hadley,
The complex Jacobi iterative method for three-dimensional wide-angle beam propagation, Optics Express, 16(21), p.17021-17030 doi:10.1364/oe.16.017021 (2008)
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K.T Vandoorne, W. Dierckx, B. Schrauwen, D. Verstraeten, R. Baets, P. Bienstman, J. Van Campenhout,
Toward optical signal processing using Photonic Reservoir Computing, Optics Express, 16(15), p.11182-11192 doi:10.1364/oe.16.011182 (2008)
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B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, B. Hu, P. Sewell, T. Benson,
Modeling comparison of second-harmonic generation, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 40(1), p.13-22 doi:10.1007/s11082-008-9217-6 (2008)
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P. Vandersteegen, G. Schwartz, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Luminous power efficiency optimization of a white organic light-emitting diode by tuning its spectrum and its extraction efficiency, Applied Optics, 47(3), p.1-9 doi:10.1364/ao.47.001947 (2008)
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B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Symmetry breaking with coupled Fano resonances, Optics Express, 16(5), p.3069-3076 doi:10.1364/oe.16.003069 (2008)
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P.P.P. Debackere, S. Scheerlinck, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Surface plasmon interferometer in silicon-on-insulator: novel concept for an integrated biosensor: Reply, Optics Express, 15(21), p.13651-13653 doi:10.1364/oe.15.013651 (2007)
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M. Besbes, J.P. Hugonin, P. Lalanne, S. van Haver, O.T.A. Janssen, A.M. Nugrowati, M. Xu, S.F. Pereira, H.P. Urbach, A.S. van de Nes, P. Bienstman, G. Granet, A. Moreau, S. Helfert, M. Sukharev, T. Seideman, F.I. Baida, B. Guizal, D. Van Labeke,
Numerical analysis of a slit-groove diffraction problem, Journal of the European Optical Society, 2, p.07022 doi:10.2971/jeos.2007.07022 (2007)
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P. Bienstman, P. Vandersteegen, R. Baets,
Modelling gratings on either side of the substrate for light extraction in light-emitting diodes, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 39(10-11), p.797-804 doi:10.1007/s11082-007-9129-x (2007)
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K. De Vos, I, Bartolozzi, E, Schacht, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Silicon-on-Insulator microring resonator for sensitive and label-free biosensing, Optics Express, 15(12), p.7610-7615 doi:10.1364/oe.15.007610 (2007)
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B. Maes, M. Ibanescu, J. Joannopoulos, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Microcavities based on multimodal interference, Optics Express, 15(10), p.6268-6278 doi:10.1364/oe.15.006268 (2007)
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P. Bienstman, L. Vanholme, W. Bogaerts, P. Dumon, P. Vandersteegen,
Python in Nanophotonics Research, Computing in Science & Engineering, 9(3), p.46-47 doi:10.1109/mcse.2007.59 (2007)
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P.P.P. Debackere, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Adaptive spatial resolution: application to surface plasmon waveguide modes, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 38(9-11), p.857-867 doi:10.1007/s11082-006-9010-3 (2006)
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P. Lalanne, J.P. Hugonin, M. Besbes, P. Bienstman,
Reply: the response of nanostructured surfaces in the near field, Nature Physics, 2(12), p.792-793 doi:10.1038/nphys473b (2006)
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B. Maes, M. Soljacic, J. Joannopoulos, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, S.-P. Gorza, M. Haelterman,
Switching through symmetry breaking in coupled nonlinear micro-cavities, Optics Express, 14(22), p.10678-10683 doi:10.1364/oe.14.010678 (2006)
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P. Dumon, G.R.A. Priem, L.R. Nunes, W. Bogaerts, D. Van Thourhout, P. Bienstman, T.K. Liang, M. Tsuchiya, P. Jaenen, S. Beckx, J. Wouters, R. Baets,
Linear and nonlinear nanophotonic devices based on silicon-on-insulator wire waveguides, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 45(8B), p.6589-6602 doi:10.1143/jjap.45.6589 (2006)
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P.P.P. Debackere, S. Scheerlinck, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Surface plasmon interferometer in silicon-on-insulator: novel concept for an integrated biosensor, Optics Express, 14(16), p.7063-7072 doi:10.1364/OE.14.007063 (2006)
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D. Taillaert, F. Van Laere, M. Ayre, W. Bogaerts, D. Van Thourhout, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Grating Couplers for Coupling between Optical Fibers and Nanophotonic Waveguides, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (invited), 45(8A), p.6071-6077 doi:10.1143/jjap.45.6071 (2006)
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P. Bienstman, S. Selleri, L. Rosa, H.P. Uranus, W.C.L. Hopman, R. Costa, A. Melloni, L.C. Andreani, J.P. Hugonin, P. Lalanne, D. Pinto, S.S.A. Obayya, M. Dems, K. Panajotov,
Modelling leaky photonic wires: A mode solver comparison, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 38(9-11), p.731-759 doi:10.1007/s11082-006-9025-9 (2006)
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F. Morichetti, A. Melloni, J. Cap, J. Petracek, P. Bienstman, G.R.A. Priem, B. Maes, M. Lauritano, G. Bellanca,
Self-phase modulation in slow-wave structures: A comparative numerical analysis, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 38(9-11), p.761-780 doi:10.1007/s11082-006-9024-x (2006)
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G.R.A. Priem, P. Bienstman, G. Morthier, R. Baets,
Impact of absorption mechanisms on Kerr-nonlinear resonator behavior, Journal of Applied Physics, 99, p.063103 doi:10.1063/1.2184432 (2006)
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P. Vandersteegen, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Using the complex Jacobi method to simulate Kerr non-linear photonic components, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 38(1-3), p.35--44 doi:10.1007/s11082-006-0021-x (2006)
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H. Wenzel, R. Guether, A. Shams-Zadeh-Amiri, P. Bienstman,
A comparative study of higher order Bragg gratings: coupled-mode theory versus mode expansion, JQE, 42(1), p.64-70 doi:10.1109/jqe.2005.859910 (2006)
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P. Sanchis, J. Marti, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Semi-analytic approach for analyzing coupling issues in photonic crystal structures, APL, 87, p.203107 doi:10.1063/1.2130528 (2005)
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B. Luyssaert, P. Bienstman, P. Vandersteegen, P. Dumon, R. Baets,
Efficient Nonadiabatic Planar Waveguide Tapers, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 23(8), p.2462-2468 doi:10.1109/jlt.2005.850795 (2005)
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B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Switching in coupled nonlinear photonic crystal resonators, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 22(8), p.1778-1784 doi:10.1364/josab.22.001778 (2005)
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J. Van Campenhout, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Band-Edge Lasing in Gold-Clad Photonic-Crystal Membranes, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 23(7), p.1418-1423 doi:10.1109/jsac.2005.851160 (2005)
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B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Modeling second-harmonic generation by use of mode expansion, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 22(7), p.1378-1383 doi:10.1364/josab.22.001378 (2005)
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P. Sanchis, J. Marti, B. Luyssaert, P. Dumon, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Analysis and design of efficient coupling in photonic crystal circuits, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 37(1-3), p.133-147 doi:10.1007/s11082-005-1131-6 (2005)
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G. Van der Sande, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, J. Danckaert, R. Baets, I. Veretennicoff,
Nonlinear lattice model for spatially guided solitons in nonlinear photonic crystals, Optics Express, 13(5), p.1544-1554 doi:10.1364/opex.13.001544 (2005)
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B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Bloch modes and self-localized waveguides in nonlinear photonic crystals, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 22(3), p.613-619 doi:10.1364/josab.22.000613 (2005)
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B. Luyssaert, P. Vandersteegen, D. Taillaert, P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout, V. Wiaux, S. Beckx, R. Baets,
A Compact Horizontal Spot-Size Converter Realized in Silicon-on-Insulator, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 17(1), p.73-75 doi:10.1109/lpt.2004.838655 (2005)
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G.R.A. Priem, I. Notebaert, P. Bienstman, G. Morthier, R. Baets,
Resonator-based all-optical Kerr-nonlinear phase shifting: Design and limitations, Journal of Applied Physics, 97(2), p.023104 doi:10.1063/1.1829148 (2005)
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W. Bogaerts, R. Baets, P. Dumon, V. Wiaux, S. Beckx, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, J. Van Campenhout, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout,
Nanophotonic Waveguides in Silicon-on-Insulator Fabricated with CMOS Technology, Journal of Lightwave Technology (invited), 23(1), p.401-412 doi:10.1109/JLT.2004.834471 (2005)
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S. Assefa, P.T. Rakich, P. Bienstman, S.G. Johnson, G.S. Petrich, J.D. Joannopoulos, L.A. Kolodziejski, E.P. Ippen,
Guiding 1.5 mu m light in photonic crystals based on dielectric rods, Applied Physics Letters, 85(25), p.6110-6112 doi:10.1063/1.1840107 (2004)
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D. Taillaert, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Compact efficient broadband grating coupler for silicon-on-insulator waveguides , Optics Letters, 29(23), p.2749-2751 doi:10.1364/ol.29.002749 (2004)
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D. Pissoort, B. Denecker, P. Bienstman, F. Olyslager, D. De Zutter,
Comparative study of three methods for the simulation of two-dimensional photonic crystals, The Journal of Optical Society of America A (JOSA A), 21(11), p.2186-2195 doi:10.1364/josaa.21.002186 (2004)
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G.R.A. Priem, I. Notebaert, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, G. Morthier, R. Baets,
Design of all-optical nonlinear functionalities based on resonators, IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics, 10(5), p.1070-1078 doi:10.1109/jstqe.2004.835314 (2004)
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P. Sanchis, P. Bienstman, B. Luyssaert, R. Baets, J. Marti,
Analysis of butt coupling in photonic crystals, JQE, 40(5), p.541-550 doi:10.1109/jqe.2004.826428 (2004)
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P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts, V. Wiaux, J. Wouters, S. Beckx, J. Van Campenhout, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
Low-loss SOI Photonic Wires and Ring Resonators Fabricated with Deep UV Lithography, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 16(5), p.1328-1330 doi:10.1109/lpt.2004.826025 (2004)
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K.C Huang, E. Likoridis, X.Y. Jiang, J.D. Joannopoulos, K.A. Nelson, P. Bienstman, S.H. Fan,
Nature of lossy Bloch states in polaritonic photonic crystals, Phys. Rev. B., 69(19), p.195111 doi:10.1103/physrevb.69.195111 (2004)
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W. Bogaerts, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, P. Dumon, J. Van Campenhout, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, V. Wiaux, S. Beckx,
Basic structures for photonic integrated circuits in Silicon-on-insulator, Optics Express (invited), 12(8), p.1583-1591 doi:10.1364/OPEX.12.001583 (2004)
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B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Modeling of kerr nonlinear photonic components with mode expansion, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 36(1/3), p.15-24 doi:10.1023/b:oqel.0000015627.57555.a0 (2004)
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P. Bienstman,
Two-stage mode finder for waveguides with a 2D cross-section, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 36(1/3), p.5-14 doi:10.1023/b:oqel.0000015626.97939.5d (2004)
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P. Bienstman, S. Assefa, S.G. Johnson, J.D. Joannopoulos, G. Petrich, L. Kolodziejski,
Taper structures for coupling into photonic crystal slab waveguides, JOSA B, 20(9), p.1817-1821 doi:10.1364/josab.20.001817 (2003)
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K.C. Huang, P. Bienstman, J.D. Joannopoulos, K.A. Nelson, S. Fan,
Phonon-polariton excitations in photonic crystals, Physical Review B, 68, p.075209 doi:10.1103/physrevb.68.075209 (2003)
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K.C. Huang, P. Bienstman, J.D. Joannopoulos, K.A. Nelson, S.H. Fan,
Field expulsion and reconfiguration in polaritonic photonic crystals, Physical Review Letters, 90(19), p.196402 doi:10.1103/physrevlett.90.196402 (2003)
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W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Scattering at sidewall roughness in photonic crystal slabs, Optics Letters, 28(9), p.689-691 doi:10.1364/OL.28.000689 (2003)
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S.G. Johnson, P. Bienstman, M.A. Skorobogatiy, M. Ibanescu, E. Lidorikis, J.D. Joannopoulos,
Adiabatic theorem and continuous coupled-mode theory for efficient taper transitions in photonic crystals, Physical Review E, 66(066608), doi:10.1103/physreve.66.066608 (2002)
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W. Bogaerts, V. Wiaux, D. Taillaert, S. Beckx, B. Luyssaert, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Fabrication of Photonic Crystals in Silicon-on-Insulator Using 248-nm Deep UV Lithography, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 8(4), p.928-934 doi:10.1109/jstqe.2002.800845 (2002)
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P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Rigorous and efficient optical VCSEL model based on vectorial eigenmode expansion and perfectly matched layers, IEE Proceedings - Optoelectronics, 149(4), p.161-165 doi:10.1049/ip-opt:20020547 (2002)
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D. Taillaert, W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, T.F. Krauss, P. Van Daele, I. Moerman, S. Verstuyft, K. De Mesel, R. Baets,
An Out-of-Plane Grating Coupler for Efficient Butt-Coupling Between Compact Planar Waveguides and Single-Mode Fibers, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 38(7), p.949-955 doi:10.1109/jqe.2002.1017613 (2002)
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P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Advanced boundary conditions for eigenmode expansion models, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 34(5/6), p.523-540 doi:10.1007/bf02892615 (2002)
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J. Ctyroky, S. Helfert, R. Pregla, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, R. De Ridder, R. Stoffer, G. Klaasse, J. Petracek, P. Lalanne, J.-P. Hugonin, R.M. De La Rue,
Bragg waveguide grating as a 1D photonic band gap structure: COST 268 modelling task, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 34(5/6), p.455-470 doi:10.1007/bf02892610 (2002)
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D. Delbeke, P. Bienstman, R. Bockstaele, R. Baets,
Rigorous electromagnetic analysis of dipole emission in periodically corrugated layers: the grating-assisted resonant-cavity light-emitting diode, Journal of the Optical Society of America A (JOSA A), 19(5), p.871-880 doi:10.1364/josaa.19.000871 (2002)
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D. Delbeke, R. Bockstaele, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, H. Benisty,
High-Efficiency Semiconductor Resonant-Cavity Light-Emitting Diodes: A Review, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 8(2), p.189-206 doi:10.1109/2944.999172 (2002)
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W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, D. Taillaert, R. Baets, D. De Zutter,
Out-of-plane scattering in 1-D photonic crystal slabs, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 34(1/3), p.195-203 doi:10.1023/A:1013381616043 (2002)
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P. Bienstman, E. Six, M. Roelens, M. Van Wolleghem, R. Baets,
Calculation of bending losses in dielectric waveguides using eigenmode expansion and perfectly matched layers, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 14(2), p.164-166 doi:10.1109/68.980493 (2002)
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P. Bienstman, R. Baets, J. Vukusic , A. Larsson, M.J. Noble, M. Brunner, K. Gulden, P. Debernardi, L. Fratta, G.P. Bava, H. Wenzel, B. Klein, O. Conradi, R. Pregla, J.P.P. Seurin, S.L. Chuang,
Comparison of optical VCSEL models on the simulation of oxide-confined devices, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 37(12), p.1618-1631 doi:10.1109/3.970909 (2001)
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W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, D. Taillaert, R. Baets, D. De Zutter,
Out-of-Plane Scattering in Photonic Crystal Slabs, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 13(6), p.565-567 doi:10.1109/68.924021 (2001)
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P. Bienstman, H. Derudder, R. Baets, F. Olyslager, D. De Zutter,
Analysis of Cylindrical Waveguide Discontinuities Using Vectorial Eigenmodes and Perfectly Matched Layers, IEEE Transactions on Microwave theory and techniques, 49(2), p.349-354 doi:10.1109/22.903096 (2001)
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P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Optical modelling of photonic crystals and VCSELs using eigenmode expansion and perfectly matched layers, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 33, p.327-341 doi:10.1023/A:1010882531238 (2001)
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P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
The RC2LED: a novel resonant-cavity LED design using a symmetric resonant cavity in the outcoupling reflector, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 36(6), p.669-673 doi:10.1109/3.845721 (2000)
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P. Bienstman, B. Demeulenaere, B. Dhoedt, R. Baets,
Simulation results of transverse-optical confinement in airpost, regrown, and oxidized vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser structures, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 16(11), p.2055-2059 doi:10.1364/josab.16.002055 (1999)
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B. Demeulenaere, P. Bienstman, B. Dhoedt, R. Baets,
Detailed study of AlAs-oxidized apertures in VCSEL cavities for optimized modal performance, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 35(3), p.358-367 doi:10.1109/3.748841 (1999)
. Book / Book Chapter
J. Dambre, A. Katumba, C. Ma, S. Sackesyn, M. Freiberger, P. Bienstman,
Computing with integrated photonic reservoirs, Reservoir Computing - Theory, Physical Implementations, and Applications, p.397-419 (2021)
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A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, F. Laporte, A. Lugnan, S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Integrated on-chip reservoirs, Photonic Reservoir Computing: Optical Recurrent Neural Networks (invited), p.53-82 (2019).
S. Werquin, J.F.I.B Hoste, D. Martens, T. Claes, P. Bienstman,
Silicon photonic wire biochips, Computational Photonic Sensors, p.385-421 (2019).
C. Lerma Arce, K. De Vos, T. Claes, K. Komorowska, P. Bienstman,
SOI microring resonator sensor integrated on a fiber facet, Lab-on-Fibre Technology, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-06998-2_3 (2015)
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T. Benson, P. Bienstman,
Photonic crystals: simulation successes and some remaining challenges, Photonic crystals: physics and technology, doi:10.1007/978-88-470-0844-1_13 (2008)
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R. Baets, P. Bienstman, R. Bockstaele,
Basics of dipole emission from a planar cavity, Confined Photon Systems, France, p.38-79 doi:10.1007/bfb0104380 (1998).
International Conferences
A. Lugnan, A. Foradori, S. Biasi, P. Bienstman, L. Pavesi,
On-chip photonic neural network for multi-wavelength time-dependent signal processing, IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Italy, p.paper WG1.2 (2 pages) (2024)
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R. Shi, T. Van Vaerenbergh, F. Boehm, P. Bienstman,
Symmetry-breaking in coupled microrings: a pathway to on-chip photonic Ising spin realization, IEEE Photonics Benelux Annual Symposium 2024, Netherlands, (2024).
E. Lievens, E. Pickavet, K. De Geest, K. De Buysser, D. Van Thourhout, P. Bienstman, J. Beeckman,
Integration of barium titanate thin films in silicon photonics for electro-optic modulation, IEEE Photonics Conference, Italy, p.ME1.1 (2024)
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S. Masaad, S. Sackesyn, Stylianos Sygletos, P. Bienstman,
Experimental Demonstration of 4-Port Photonic Reservoir Computing for Equalization of 4 and 16 QAM Signals, European Conference on Optical Communication, p.M3G.3 (2024)
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M. Gouda, S. Abreu, P. Bienstman,
Clustering and Classification of Fungal Cells and PMMA Microparticles: Unsupervised and Supervised Learning using K-Means, PCA, Logistic Regression and Spiking Neural Networks on Event-Based Cytometry Datasets, ICTON 2024 (invited), Italy, p.Tu.B5.3 (2024)
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M. Hejda, F. Marchesin, G. Papadimitriou, D. Gizopoulos, B. Charbonnier, P. Bienstman, T. Van Vaerenbergh, F. Pavanello,
Neuromorphic architectures based on augmented silicon photonics platforms, Design Automation Conference (DAC) (invited), United States, p.359 (2024)
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E. Lievens, E. Pickavet, M. Muneeb, K. De Buysser, D. Van Thourhout, P. Bienstman, J. Beeckman,
Integration of novel ferro-electric thin films in silicon photonics for high speed modulators, CLEO, United States, p.JTh2A.75 (2024)
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S. Phang, G. Anufriev, D. Furniss, M. Farries, A. Seddon, P. Bienstman,
Photonic reservoir computing: principles, architectures and applications for sensing and information processing, Photonics North, Canada, p.PTD-8.1 (2024)
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R. Shi, T. Van Vaerenbergh, F. Boehm, P. Bienstman,
Coherent Ising machines on photonic integrated circuits, IEEE Silicon Photonics Conference (SiPhotonics), Japan, (2024)
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A. Lugnan, A. Foradori, S. Biasi, P. Bienstman, L. Pavesi,
Large-scale neural networks with passive silicon photonics for biologically plausible learning, Photonics Europe, France, p.13017-50 (2024)
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I. Bauwens, G. Van der Sande, P. Bienstman, G. Verschaffelt,
Increasing the nonlinear computational capacity of a spatial photonic reservoir computing system, Photonics Europe, France, p.13017-76 (2024)
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I. Bauwens, G. Van der Sande, P. Bienstman, G. Verschaffelt,
Cascading photonic reservoirs with deep neural networks increases computational performance, Photonics Europe, France, p.13017-65 (2024)
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S. Masaad, P. Bienstman,
Photonic Reservoir Computing for Kramers-Kronig Receiver Linearization, Telecommunications, Optics, and Photonics Conference, United Kingdom, (2024).
G. von Huenefeld, B. Chacko, G. Ronniger, M. Kaveh, I. Sackey, M. Aghaeipour, P. Bienstman, C. Schubert, R. Freund,
Neuromorphic reservoir for nonlinear optical signal equalization, Photonics West, United States, p.12880-35 (2024)
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M. Gouda, Steven Abreu, P. Bienstman,
Training Strategies for Spiking Neural Networks Integrated with Event-Based Vision in Label-Free Flow Cytometry, Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter, Belgium, (2023).
R. Shi, T. Van Vaerenbergh, F. Böhm, P. Bienstman,
Coherent Ising machines on photonic integrated circuits, IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter Annual Symposium, Belgium, (2023)
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P. Bienstman, A. Lugnan, S. Aggarwal, F. Brückerhoff-Plückelmann, W. Pernice, H. Bhaskaran, C. Ma, S. Sackesyn, E.J.C. Gooskens, S. Masaad, M. Gouda, R. De Prins,
Optical computing in silicon photonics: self-adapting ring networks and quantum recurrent neural networks, Natural and Physical Computing (NNPC), Germany, p.1 (2023)
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Tigers Jonuzi, S. Masaad, Alessandro Lupo, J. David Domenech Gomez, P. Bienstman, Serge Massar,
Numerical Analysis of a Self-Calibrating Time-Spatial Interleaving Photonic Convolutional Accelerator, Photonics in Switching and Computing, FR3A.6, Italy, p.4 (2023).
S. Masaad, E.J.C. Gooskens, M. Gouda, R. De Prins, F. Marchesin, R. Shi, A. Lugnan, S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, Joni Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Integrated Photonic Reservoir Computing for Telecommunication Applications , Neuromorphic photonics and applications (invited), Greece, (2023).
A. Lugnan, S. Garcia-Cuevas Carillo, J. Song, S. Aggarwal, F. Brückerhoff-Plückelmann, W. Pernice, H. Bhaskaran, D. Wright, P. Bienstman,
Silicon ring resonator with phase-change material as a plastic dynamical node for scalable all-optical neural networks with synaptic plasticity, ICTON, Romania, p.4 (2023)
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A. Katumba, J. Michelson, P. Matovic, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Using Bayesian techniques to accelerate the design of silicon photonics reservoirs, ICTON, Romania, (2023).
Steven Abreu, M. Gouda, A. Lugnan, P. Bienstman,
Flow cytometry with event-based vision and spiking neuromorphic hardware, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), Canada, doi:10.1109/CVPRW59228.2023.00435 (2023)
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A. Lugnan, S. Aggarwal, F. Brückerhoff-Plückelmann, W. Pernice, H. Bhaskharan, P. Bienstman,
Performance enhancement via synaptic plasticity in an integrated photonic recurrent neural network with phase-change materials, CLEO-EQEC Europe, Germany, p.JSIII-3.5 (2023)
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F. Pavanello, C. Marchand, I. O'Connor, ..., P. Bienstman, T. Van Vaerenbergh, ..., S. Di Carlo, A. Savino,
NEUROPULS: NEUROmorphic energy-efficient secure accelerators based on Phase change materials aUgmented siLicon photonicS, IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS), Italy, p.6 doi:10.1109/ETS56758.2023.10173974 (2023).
E.J.C. Gooskens, S. Sackesyn, S. Masaad, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Photonic Reservoir Computing for Wavelength Multiplexed Nonlinear Fiber Distortion Mitigation, IEEE SiPhotonics (formerly GFP conference), United States, p.1-2 doi:10.1109/SiPhotonics55903.2023.10141896 (2023)
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F. Pavanello, E. Vatajelu, A. Bossio, T. Van Vaerenbergh, P. Bienstman, B. Charbonnier, A. Carpegna, S. Di Carlo, A. Savino,
Neuromorphic hardware design and reliability from traditional CMOS to emerging technologies, IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), United States, p.10 doi:10.1109/VTS56346.2023.10139932 (2023).
M. Gouda, A. Lugnan, J. Dambre, G. V. Branden, C. Posch, P. Bienstman,
Event-based vision for improved classification accuracy in label-free flow cytometry, IEEE Benelux Photonics Chapter - Annual Symposium 2022, Netherlands, p.26-29 (2022)
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I. Bauwens, K. Harkhoe, P. Bienstman, G. Verschaffelt, G. Van der Sande,
Phase modulation of the input signal improves performance of reservoir computing, IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Canada, p.WP16 (2022)
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S. Aggarwal, B. Dong, J. Sang Lee, M. Wang, A. Katumba, P. Bienstman, H. Bhaskaran,
Design for robust and efficient neuromorphic photonic accelerator, IEEE ICEE, India, p.64-4 (2022)
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I. Bauwens, K. Harkhoe, P. Bienstman, G. Verschaffelt, G. Van der Sande,
Phase modulation improves performance of delaybased reservoir computing with semiconductor lasers, IEEE Benelux Photonics Chapter - Annual Symposium 2022, Netherlands, p.90-93 (2022).
P. Bienstman, A. Lugnan, C. Ma, S. Sackesyn, E.J.C. Gooskens, S. Masaad, M. Gouda, R. De Prins,
Coherent optical computing in silicon photonics, Coherent Network Computing (CNC), , United States, p.D2.12.00 (2022)
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S. Masaad, E.J.C. Gooskens, S. Sackesyn, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Photonic Reservoir Computing for Nonlinear Equalization of 64-QAM Signals with a Kramers-Kronig Receiver, European Conference on Optical Communication, Tu4G.3 , Switzerland, (2022)
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S. Sackesyn, S. Masaad, C. Ma, P. Bienstman,
Reservoir Computing with Optical Weights, European Conference on Optical Communication: Workshop on Photonic and Electronic Cointegration Solutions (WS13) (invited), Switzerland, (2022).
D. Chatzitheocharis, ..., S. Sackesyn, S. Masaad, P. Bienstman, ..., K. Vyrsokinos,
NEBULA project: combining BTO based plasmonic modulators with neuromorphic augmented receivers for higher than 100 Gbaud intra- and inter-data center interconnects, 19th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN22), Greece, p.Tu.WS1.1 (2022)
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I. Bauwens, K. Harkhoe, P. Bienstman, G. Verschaffelt, G. Van der Sande,
Impact of phase modulation on the performance of photonic delay-based reservoir computing with semiconductor lasers, Spie Photonics Europe, 12143, France, p.paper 121430L (8 pages) (2022)
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G. von Hünefeld, G. Ronninger, P. Safari, I. Sackey, R. Thomas, P. Cegielski, S. Suckow, E. Seker, D. Stahl, S. Masaad, E.J.C. Gooskens, P. Bienstman, C. Schubert, J. Fischer, R. Freund,
Enabling optical modulation format identification using an integrated photonic reservoir and a digital multiclass classifier, ECOC, Switzerland, p.Tu 5.19 (2021)
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E.J.C. Gooskens, F. Laporte, S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, P. Bienstman,
Wavelength Multiplexing in Photonic Reservoir Computing, Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter, (2021)
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P. Bienstman, J. Dambre, A. Lugnan, S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, E.J.C. Gooskens, M. Gouda, S. Masaad,
Photonic Neuromorphic Computing Using Silicon Chips, Huawei STW (invited), (2021).
A. Lugnan, S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, E.J.C. Gooskens, M. Gouda, S. Masaad, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Reservoir computing for high-speed photonic information processing, Photonics in Switching and Computing (invited), p.TuA2.3 (2021)
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S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Experimental Demonstration of Nonlinear Fibre Distortion Compensation with Integrated Photonic Reservoir Computing, ECOC, France, p.SC3-tu4g.6 doi:10.1109/ECOC52684.2021.9606162 (2021)
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K. Sozos, A. Bogris, P. Bienstman, C. Mesaritakis,
Photonic Reservoir Computing based on Optical Filters in a Loop as a High Performance and Low-Power Consumption Equalizer for 100 Gbaud Direct Detection Systems, ECOC, France, p.SC3-tu4g.3 doi:10.1109/ECOC52684.2021.9606123 (2021)
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G. Van der Sande, F. Bohm, K. Harkhoe, J. Pauwels, P. Bienstman, T. Van Vaerenbergh, G. Verschaffelt,
Time-multiplexed optical systems for reservoir computing and coherent Ising machines, Nanoscience + Engineering, p.118041Q doi:10.1117/12.2594700 (2021)
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T. Van Vaerenbergh, S. Kumar, M. Abdelghany, F. Bohm, P. Bienstman, G. Verschaffelt, G. Van der Sande, J.P. Strachan, R.G. Beausoleil,
Broadening the set of algorithms and use-cases for analog combinatorial optimization accelerators, Nanoscience + Engineering, p.118041S doi:10.1117/12.2595405 (2021).
A. Lugnan, S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, E.J.C. Gooskens, M. Gouda, S. Masaad, Joni Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Photonic reservoir computing for high-speed neuromorphic computing applications, 2021 IEEE Summer Topicals Meeting Series (invited), Mexico, (2021).
S. Phang, D. Furniss, C. Mellor, G. Roelkens, A.B. Seddon, P. Bienstman, T. Benson,
Neuromorphic sensing via temporal signal signature processed by photonic reservoir computer, Photonics West, doi:10.1117/12.2584187 (2021).
P. Bienstman, J. Dambre, A. Lugnan, S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, E.J.C. Gooskens, M. Gouda, S. Masaad,
Silicon photonics for brain-inspired neuromorphic information processing, 1st Workshop on Neuromorphic Photonics (invited), (2020)
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Z. Wang, Q. Li, Z. Fu, A. Katumba, F. Denis-le Coarer, D. Rontani, M. Sciamanna, P. Bienstman,
Threshold plasticity of hybrid Si-VO2 microring resonators, Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC 2020), United States, p.paper Th2A.26 (3 pages) (2020)
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F. Laporte, A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, A. Lugnan, S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, E.J.C. Gooskens, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Photonic Reservoir Computing, Photonic Integration Week (invited), Spain, (2020).
G. Van der Sande, K. Harkoe, A. Katumba, P. Bienstman, G. Verschaffelt,
Integrated photonic delay-lasers for reservoir computing, SPIE Photonics West Conference, United States, p.11274-11 (2020)
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T. Benson, P. Bienstman, A.B. Seddon, C. J. Mellor, S. Phang,
A chaotic microresonator structure for an optical implementation of an artificial neural network, SPIE Photonics West Conference (invited), United States, p.11283-37 (2020)
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S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, A. Katumba, F. Denis-le Coarer, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
A power-efficient architecture for silicon photonic reservoir computing, Proceedings of the 24rd Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Netherlands, p.4 (2019)
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P. Bienstman, J. Dambre, A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, F. Laporte, A. Lugnan, S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, E.J.C. Gooskens,
Non-linear signal equalisation using silicon photonic reservoir computing, ECOC machine learning workshop (invited), Ireland, (2019).
S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, A. Katumba, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
A power-efficient architecture for on-chip reservoir computing, Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning ICANN 2019: Workshop and Special Sessions. ICANN 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11731, Germany, p.161-164 doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30493-5_16 (2019).
P. Bienstman, J. Dambre, A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, F. Laporte, A. Lugnan, S. Sackesyn, C. Ma,
Neuromorphic information processing using silicon photonics, SPIE Optics and Photonics (invited), United States, p.11081-54 doi:10.1117/12.2524707 (2019)
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P. Bienstman, J. Dambre, A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, F. Laporte, A. Lugnan, S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, E.J.C. Gooskens,
Silicon photonics reservoir computing at 32 Gbit/s, 5th Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Brain-Inspired Information Processing (invited), Germany, (2019).
F. Laporte, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Photontorch: Simulation and Optimization of Large Photonic Circuits Using the Deep Learning Framework PyTorch, IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals, United States, p.paper WE1.2 doi:10.1109/phosst.2019.8794941 (2019)
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C. Ma, S. Sackesyn, J.Dambre, P. Bienstman,
All-Optical Readout for Integrated Photonic Reservoir Computing, 2019 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) (invited), France, p.paper Fr.D5.4 (4 pages) doi:10.1109/ICTON.2019.8840492 (2019).
K. Harkoe, G. Verschaffelt, A. Katumba, P. Bienstman, G. Van der Sande,
Photonic delay-based reservoir computing integrated on InP Chip, CLEO Europe, Germany, p.JSI-1-4 (2019)
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P. Bienstman,
Photonic reservoir computing in silicon photonics, CLEO (invited), United States, p.SM2J.1 (2019).
K. Harkhoe, G. Verschaffelt, A. Katumba, P. Bienstman, G. Van der Sande,
Delay Based Reservoir Computing on Integrated InP Photonic Chip, Cognitive Computing: Merging Concepts with Hardware, Germany, p.2 (2018).
S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
An enhanced architecture for silicon photonic reservoir computing, Cognitive Computing 2018: Merging Concepts with Hardware, Germany, (2018)
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M. Freiberger, P. Bienstman, J. Dambre,
Improving Time Series Prediction with Ensembles of Integrated Photonic Reservoirs, Cognitive Computing 2018: Merging Concepts with Hardware, Germany, p.2 (2018)
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C. Ma, F. Laporte, S. Sackesyn, J.Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Optical readout for low resolution weighting and easy observation for integrated photonic reservoir computing, accepted for publication in IEEE Benelux Chapter Annual Symposium 2019, (to be published).
A. Lugnan, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Numerical investigation of integrated dielectric pillars to simplify machine learning classification of cells, 23rd Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Belgium, (2018)
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K. Harkhoe, G. Verschaffelt, A. Katumba, P. Bienstman, G. Van der Sande,
Integrated Delay Based Photonic Reservoir Computing, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Belgium, (2018).
F. Laporte, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Neuromorphic Computing with Signal-Mixing Cavities, IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing, United States, doi:10.1109/icrc.2018.8638622 (2018).
A. Katumba, X. Jin, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Silicon Photonics Neuromorphic Computing and its Application to Telecommunications, 44th European Conference on Optical Communication (invited), Italy, p.paper Mo4H (3 pages) doi:10.1109/ecoc.2018.8535262 (2018)
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G. Van der Sande, K. Harkhoe, A. Katumba, P. Bienstman, G. Verschaffelt,
Semiconductor lasers with delayed optical feedback for reservoir computing: short external cavities and multi-mode lasers, International Conference on Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems (invited), Germany, p.9 (2018)
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P. Bienstman,
Photonic reservoir computing using silicon chips, European Nanoelectronics Applications, Design & Technology Conference (invited), France, (2018)
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A. Lugnan, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Integrated dielectric scatterers for speeding up classification of cell diffraction patterns, 2018 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) (invited), Romania, p.We.A6.3, 4pp. doi:10.1109/ICTON.2018.8473611 (2018)
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F. Denis-le Coarer, D. Rontani, A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman, M. Sciamanna,
Toward neuro-inspired computing using a small network of micro-ring resonators on an integrated photonic chip, SPIE PHOTONICS EUROPE, 10689, France, p.1068908-9 doi:10.1117/12.2306780 (2018).
A. Lugnan, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Integrated dielectric scatterers for fast optical classification of biological cells, SPIE Photonics Europe, 10689(07), France, p.1-7 doi:10.1117/12.2306654 (2018)
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P. Bienstman, J. Dambre, A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, F. Laporte, A. Lugnan,
Photonic reservoir computing: a brain-inspired approach for information processing, The Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) (invited), United States, p.paper M4F.4 (3 pages) doi:10.1364/OFC.2018.M4F.4 (2018).
P. Bienstman, J. Dambre, A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, F. Laporte, A. Lugnan,
Silicon photonics for neuromorphic information processing , SPIE Photonics West (invited), DL 10551, United States, p.paper 10551-19 (7 pages) doi:10.1117/12.2284391 (2018).
D. Rontani, F. Denis-Le Coarer, A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman, M. Sciamanna,
Reservoir Computing with Nonlinear Micro-Resonators on a Silicon Photonics Chip, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, Mexico, p.paper 5192, session A3LC (2017)
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M. Freiberger, A. Katumba, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
On-chip passive photonic reservoir computing with integrated optical readout, ICRC2017, the IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing 2017, United States, p. 255 - 258 doi:10.1109/ICRC.2017.8123673 (2017).
D. Rontani, F. Denis, A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman, M. Sciamanna,
Photonic reservoir computing using a small network of micro-ring resonators, Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Brain-inspired Information Processing, Germany, (2017)
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F. Laporte, A. Lugnan, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Novel photonic reservoir computing architectures, Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Brain-inspired Information Processing, , Germany, (2017)
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A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, J. Heyvaert, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Building Scalable Integrated Silicon Photonics Reservoirs for Signal Processing, Frontiers in Optics, United States, p.paper JTu2A.92 (2 pages) doi:10.1364/FIO.2017.JTu2A.92 (2017).
A. Katumba, F. Laporte, A. Lugnan, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Integrated-photonics implementation of reservoir computing neural networks, Machine learning workshop at ECOC (invited), Sweden, (2017).
E.M.P. Ryckeboer, X. Nie, A. Dhakal, D. Martens, P. Bienstman, G. Roelkens, R. Baets,
Spectroscopic sensing and applications in Silicon Photonics, International Conference on Group IV Photonics (invited), Germany, p.81-82 doi:10.1109/group4.2017.8082206 (2017)
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F. Laporte, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Reservoir Computing with signal-mixing cavities, 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) (invited), Spain, p.We.A5.3 doi:10.1109/ICTON.2017.8024990 (2017).
E.M.P. Ryckeboer, D. Martens, H. D'heer, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
Optofluidic devices based on Silicon photonics, EOS World of Photonics Congress (invited), (2017).
F. Denis, D. Rontani, A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman, M. Sciamanna,
Reservoir computing on an active silicon photonics chip using nonlinear microring resonators, XXXVII Dynamic Days Europe, Hungary, p.187 (2017)
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A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Passive integrated photonics reservoir computing with on-chip readout for telecommunication applications, Dynamical Systems and Brain Inspired Computing 2017 (invited), Belgium, (2017).
A. Lugnan, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Integrated pillar scatterers for speeding up classification of cell holograms through a RC-like machine learning approach, Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Brain-inspired Information Processing, Belgium, (2017)
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F. Laporte, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Header recognition with signal-mixing cavities, Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Brain-inspired Information Processing, Belgium, (2017).
F. Denis, D. Rontani, A. Katumba, M. Freiberger, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman, M. Sciamanna,
Nonlinear microring resonators on silicon photonic chip for brain inspired computing, Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Brain-inspired Information Processing, Belgium, (2017).
P. Bienstman,
Silicon photonics point-of-care biosensor platforms, Selectbio Lab-on-a-Chip & Microfluidics (invited), Germany, (2017).
F. Laporte, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Photorefractive crystals as brain-inspired photonic reservoir computing systems, IEEE Photonics Society Benelux, Belgium, p.151-154 (2016)
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R. Morarescu, N.T. Beneitez, J. Missinne, G. Van Steenberge, P. Bienstman, G. Morthier,
Hybrid-polymer photonic microring resonators for biosensing applications by nanoimprint lithography, Proceedings Symposium IEEE Photonics Society Benelux, Belgium, p.179-182 (2016).
D. Martens, G. Dong, P. Bienstman,
Grating couplers under flood illumination as a low-cost readout mechanism for photonic sensors, Proceedings Symposium IEEE Photonics Society Benelux, p.211-214 (2016)
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B. Geers, J.F.I.B Hoste, L. Hardy, D. Martens, M. Singh, A. Elamin, F. Jonas, A.B. Gonzales-Guerrero, L. Lechuga, W. Van Roy, R. Vos, A. Stassen, S. Severi, R. Bockstaele, H. Becker, P. Bienstman,
Pocket - point-of-care system for the label free detection of bacterial pathogens, Compamed/Medica (invited), Germany, (2016).
A.A. Elamin, D. Martens, A.B. Gonzales-Guerrero, M. Stehr, F. Jonas, W. Van Roy, R. Vos, A. Stasses, S. Severi, R. Bockstaele, P. Soetaert, B. Anton, H. Becker, L.M. Lechuga, P. Bienstman, M. Singh,
Tuberculosis POCT: an integrated photonic biosensor for tuberculosis detection, AACC CPOCT International Symposium, Denmark, p.P38 (2016)
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P. Bienstman,
Photonic reservoir computing using silicon chips, Workshop"Technology and architectures development for Brain Inspired Integrated Circuits" : ESSDERC/ESSCIRC 2016, Switzerland, (2016).
A. Katumba, B. Schneider, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
An integrated photonics reservoir computing approach to signal equalization for telecommunications, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) 2016, Italy, p.Tu.D5.1 doi:10.1109/icton.2016.7550462 (2016)
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R. Morarescu, P. Pal, N. Teigell Beneitez, J. Missine, G. Van Steenberge, P. Bienstman, G. Morthier,
Nanoimprint Fabrication of Hybrid Polymer Microring Resonators Operating at Very Near Infrared Wavelengths, European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO 2016), Poland, p.paper ECIO/p-03 (2016)
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P. Bienstman,
Photonic reservoir computing in Si chips, Beyond! Von Neumann Computing (invited), Germany, (2016)
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E.M.P. Ryckeboer, X. Nie, A. Subramanian, D. Martens, P. Bienstman, S. Clemmen, S. Severi, R. Jansen, G. Roelkens, R. Baets,
CMOS-compatible silicon nitride spectrometers for lab-on-a-chip spectral sensing, Photonics Europe 2016, Proc. SPIE 9891, Silicon Photonics and Photonic Integrated Circuits V, 98911K (invited), Belgium, doi:10.1117/12.2234978 (2016)
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K. Bougot-Robin, J.F.I.B Hoste, N. Le Thomas, P. Bienstman, J.B. Edel,
Highly sensitive detection using microring resonator and nanopores, Conference on Optical Sensing and Detection IV, Belgium, p.paper 98991R (9 Pages) doi:10.1117/12.2227079 (2016)
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R. Baets, A. Subramanian, S. Clemmen, B. Kuyken, P. Bienstman, N. Le Thomas, G. Roelkens, D. Van Thourhout, Ph. Helin, S. Severi,
Silicon Photonics: silicon nitride versus silicon-on-insulator, Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2016 (invited), United States, p.Th3J.1 doi:10.1364/ofc.2016.th3j.1 (2016)
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D. Martens, P. Bienstman, M. Sing, A.A. Elamin, F. Jonas, A.B. Gonzalez-Guerrero, L.M. Lechuga, W. Van Roy, R. Vos, A. Stassen, A. Severi, R. Bockstaele, H. Becker,
A point-of-care integrated photonic biosensor, Europt[r]ode, Austria, p.OL 7.4 (2016).
R. Alemany Server, D. Martens, K. Jans, P. Bienstman, D. Hill,
Advances towards reliable identification and concentration determination of rare cells in peripheral blood, 14th SPIE Photonics West Conference - Microfluidics, bioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems (invited), United States, p.97050G doi:10.1117/12.2218621 (2016)
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D. Martens, A. Stassen, W. Van Roy, P. Bienstman,
Novelty low-cost integrated photonic biosensor using broadband source and on-chip spectral filter, IEEE Photonics Society Benelux, Belgium, p.173-176 (2016)
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A. Katumba, P. Bienstman, J. Dambre,
Photonic reservoir computing for telecom applications, Dynamical systems and brain-‐inspired information processing, France, (2015).
W. Van Roy, P. Neutens, T. Claes, R. Jansen, A. Subramanian, K. Jans, J. O'Callaghan, T. Stakenborg, D. Vercruysse, R. Stahl, B. Du Bois, Ph. Helin, A. Stassen, S. Severi, D. Martens, P. Bienstman, P. Deshpande, R. Baets, A. Lambrechts, L. Lagae, X. Rottenberg, P. Van Dorpe,
Si and SiN Biophotonic Technology Platform, Applied to Biosensing, Spectroscopy, and Lens-Free Imaging, SSDM2015 (invited), Japan, doi:10.7567/ssdm.2015.a-6-1 (2015)
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A. Katumba, P. Bienstman, J. Dambre,
Photonic reservoir computing approaches to nanoscale computation, International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (NANOCOM, United States, doi:10.1145/2800795.2800827 (2015)
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D. Delbeke, A. Subramanian, P. Cardile, W. Woestenborghs, A. Ruocco, J.W. Hoste, D. Martens, A. Dhakal, P. Bienstman, G. Roelkens, N. Le Thomas, R. Baets,
Silicon photonics for on-chip spectrophotometry, 12th International Conference on GPF (invited), United States, p.FC1 doi:10.1109/group4.2015.7305901 (2015)
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B. Schneider, G. Vanmeerbeeck, R. Stahl, L. Lagae, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Neural Network for Blood Cell Classification in a Holographic Microscopy System, Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2015 17th International Conference on (invited), Hungary, p.1-4 doi:10.1109/ICTON.2015.7193315 (2015)
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R. Morarescu, P. Pal, X. Han, M. Zhao, P. Bienstman, G. Morthier,
Polymer Microring Resonators for Biosensing Applications by Nanoimprint Lithography, 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2015 (invited), Hungary, p.1 to 4 doi:10.1109/ICTON.2015.7193314 (2015)
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A. Li, T. Van Vaerenbergh, P. De Heyn, Y. Xing, P. Bienstman, W. Bogaerts,
Experimentally demonstrate the origin for asymmetric resonance splitting and contributions from couplers to backscattering in SOI microrings, Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nano Photonics (IPR 2015), United States, p.IM2B.6 doi:10.1364/iprsn.2015.im2b.6 (2015)
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S. Dwivedi, T. Van Vaerenbergh, A. Ruocco, T. Spuesens, P. Bienstman, P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts,
Measurements of Effective Refractive Index of SOI Waveguides using Interferometers, Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nano Photonics (IPR 2015), United States, p.IM2A.6 doi:10.1364/iprsn.2015.im2a.6 (2015)
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M.S. Murib, W.S. Yeap, D. Martens, L. Michiels, M.J. Schoning, W. De Ceuninck, K. Haenen, P. Bienstman, A. Serpenguzel, P. Wagner,
Sapphire microspheres: possible applications to biosensing, 2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO Europe), Germany, p.paper CL-P.8 SUN (2015)
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B. Schneider, G. Vanmeerbeeck, R. Stahl, L. Lagae, P. Bienstman,
Using neural networks for high-speed blood cell classification in a holographic-microscopy flow-cytometry system, SPIE Photonics West, United States, p.paper 9328-50 doi:10.1117/12.2079436 (2015)
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J.W. Hoste, B.G. De Geest, P. Bienstman,
Determination of thickness and density of a wet multilayer polymer system with sub-nanometer resolution by means of a dual polarization silicon-on-insulator microring, SPIE Photonics West, United States, p.paper 9337-13 doi:10.1117/12.2079074 (2015)
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T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
An optical delayline based on excitable microrings, IEEE Photonics Conference, United States, p.118-119 doi:10.1109/ipcon.2014.6995240 (2014)
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A. Van Eeghem, S. Werquin, E. Vanderleyden, P. Bienstman, P. Dubruel,
Functionalisation of nanophotonic silicon-on-insulator biosensor chips for real-time DNA detection, Diatech 2014, Belgium, p.34-35 (2014).
T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Simulation of nonlinear optical resonator circuits, NUSOD 2014, Spain, p.103-104 doi:10.1109/nusod.2014.6935377 (2014)
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J.W. Hoste, Bruno G. De Geest, P. Bienstman,
Employing a Dual Polarisation Microring to Determine Refractive Index and Thickness of a Thin Polymer Layer, 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2014), Austria, p.1-4 (paper Mo.C5.4) doi:10.1109/icton.2014.6876294 (2014)
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P. Bienstman,
Photonic reservoir computing: a brain-inspired paradigm for information processing, Integrated Photonics for Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics (IPRSN), United States, p.Paper IT1A.1 doi:10.1364/iprsn.2014.it1a.1 (2014)
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T. Van Vaerenbergh, K. Alexander, M. Fiers, P. Mechet, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Cascadable excitability in optically injected microdisks, Proc. SPIE 9134, Semiconductor Lasers and Laser Dynamics VI, 91341W, Belgium, doi:10.1117/12.2051962 (2014).
P. Bienstman,
Biosensing with silicon ring resonators: special platforms and applications, WE-Hereaus-Seminar : Taking Detection to the Limit: Biosensing with Optical Microcavities, Germany, (2014)
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J.W. Hoste, S. Werquin, P. Bienstman,
Employing dual polarisation biosensing to study the conformational behaviour of BSA molecules during the adsorption to a silicon microring, EUROPT(R)ODE X11 Conference on optical Chemical Sensors & Biosensors, Greece, (2014)
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S. Werquin, D. Vermeulen, A. Goes, A. Van Eeghem, P. Dubruel, P. Bienstman,
Improved performance of highly multiplexed silicion-on-insulator microring sensor chips by surface structure implementation, Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XI, 8954, United States, doi:10.1117/12.2037266 (2014)
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T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Towards integrated optical spiking neural networks: delaying spikes on chip, Laser Dynamics and Nonlinear Photonics, 2013 Sixth "Rio De La Plata" Workshop on (invited), 1, Uruguay, p.9-12 doi:10.1109/LDNP.2013.6777418 (2013).
J.F.I.B Hoste, S. Werquin, P. Bienstman,
Dual polarisation biosensing with an SOI microring, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter, Netherlands, p.113-116 (2013)
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J.W. Hoste, T. Claes, P. Bienstman,
Using dual polarization silicon ring resonators to monitor pH-induced conformational changes in BSA molecules, European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2013), Spain, (2013)
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P. Bienstman, S. Werquin, C. Lerma Arce, E. Hallynck, T. Claes, J.W. Hoste, D. Martens,
Silicon nanophotonics on-chip sensing, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2013) (invited), Sweden, p.1032 (2013)
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P. Bienstman, K.T Vandoorne, T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, B. Schneider, B. Schrauwen, J. Dambre,
Using silicon nanophotonics for digital and analog signal processing with reservoir computing, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2013) (invited), Sweden, p.64 (2013)
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Q. Vinckier, F. Duport, A. Smerieri, K.T Vandoorne, P. Bienstman, M. Haelterman, S. Massar,
Conception et realisation d'un ordinateur analogique tout optique de type "reservoir" a l’aide d’une cavite optique lineaire passive fonctionnant en lumiere coherente, Horizons de l'optique, France, p.3 (2013)
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N. Le Thomas, A. Dhakal, F. Peyskens, A. Subramanian, T. Claes, K. De Vos, E.M.P. Ryckeboer, R. Bockstaele, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Biological sensing with integrated silicon and silicon nitride photonics, The 2nd BioPhotonics Conference (invited), Taiwan, p.28-29 (2013)
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C. Lerma Arce, S. Van Put, A. Goes, E. Hallynck, P. Dubruel, K. Komorowska, P. Bienstman,
Reaction tubes as a platform for silicon nanophotonic ring resonator biosensors, Advanced Photonics - OSA Optics & Photonics Congress, United States, p.paper IW4A.8 doi:10.1364/iprsn.2013.iw4a.8 (2013)
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P. Bienstman, K.T Vandoorne, T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, B. Schneider, B. Schrauwen, J. Dambre,
Using silicon nanophotonics for digital and analog signal processing with reservoir computing, Horizons de l'optique (invited), France, p.12 (2013)
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S. Werquin, A. Goes, P. Dubruel, P. Bienstman,
Silicon-on-insulator microring resonators for photonic biosensing applications, ICTON 2013 (invited), Spain, p.paper Tu.A5.6 doi:10.1109/icton.2013.6602778 (2013)
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P. Bienstman, S. Werquin, C. Lerma Arce, D.Witters, R. Puers, J. Lammertyn, T. Claes, E. Hallynck, J.W. Hoste, D. Martens,
Nanophotonic biosensors in silicon-on-insulator, The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2013) (invited), Spain, p.2588-2591 doi:10.1109/transducers.2013.6627335 (2013)
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P. Bienstman, S. Werquin, C. Lerma Arce, D. Witters, R. Puers, J. Lammertyn, T. Claes, E. Hallynck, J.W. Hoste, D. Martens,
Ring resonator based SOI biosensors, 2013 Photonics West Conference (invited), 8629, United States, p.paper 8629-41 doi:10.1117/12.2001242 (2013)
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C. Lerma Arce, A. Goes, E. Hallynck, P. Debruel, K. Komorowska, S. Van Put, P. Bienstman,
Silicon nanophotonic ring resonator sensors integrated in reaction tubes, Photonics West , doi:10.1117/12.2003970 (2013)
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C. Lerma Arce, D. Witters, R. Puers, J. Lammertyn, P. Bienstman,
The use of Digital Microfluidics for a Silicon Photonic Sensors Platform, Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Belenux Chapter, Belgium, p.49-52 (2012)
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T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, P. Mechet, T. Spuesens, R. Kumar, G. Morthier, K.T Vandoorne, B. Schneider, B. Schrauwen, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Characterization of cascadable excitability in a silicon-on-insulator microring, Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Belenux Chapter, Belgium, p.119-122 (2012)
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E.M.P. Ryckeboer, A. Lee, S. Werquin, J. Vierendeels, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Investigation of glucose diffusion using an optofluidic silicon chips, Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Belenux Chapter, Belgium, p.179-182 (2012)
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B. Schneider, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Reduction of analogue bandwidth requirement in photonic on-chip reservoir computing , Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter, Belgium, p.227-230 (2012)
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S. Werquin, P. Bienstman,
Interferometric approach to solve microring resonance splitting in biosensor applications, Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux, Belgium, p.187-190 (2012)
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T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, P. Mechet, T. Spuesens, R. Kumar, G. Morthier, K.T Vandoorne, B. Schneider, B. Schrauwen, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Self-pulsation and excitability mechanism in silicon-on-insulator microrings , 2012 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), China, p.ATh4B.5 doi:10.1364/ACP.2012.ATh4B.5 (2012).
P. Bienstman, K.T Vandoorne, T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, B. Schneider, D. Verstraete, B. Schrauwen, J. Dambre,
Reservoir computing on nanophotonic chips, 2012 International symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA 2012), Spain, p.506-508 doi:10.15248/proc.1.506 (2012)
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E. Hallynck, P. Bienstman,
Integrated Differential Pressure Sensor in Silicon-on-Insulator, IEEE Photonics Conference 2012, United States, p.445-446 doi:10.1109/ipcon.2012.6358684 (2012)
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M. Fiers, K.T Vandoorne, T. Van Vaerenbergh, J. Dambre, B. Schrauwen, P. Bienstman,
Optical Information Processing: Advances in Nanophotonic Reservoir Computing , International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (invited), United Kingdom, doi:10.1109/icton.2012.6253889 (2012)
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M. Fiers, T. Van Vaerenbergh, K. Caluwaerts, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
CAPHE: Time-domain and Frequency-domain Modeling of Nonlinear Optical Components, Advanced Photonics Congress, 2012 OSA, United States, p.paper IM2B.3 doi:10.1364/iprsn.2012.im2b.3 (2012)
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T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, K.T Vandoorne, B. Schneider, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Towards a photonic spiking neuron: excitability in a silicon-on-insulator microring., 2012 International symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, Proceedings (NOLTA), Spain, p.767 - 770 doi:10.15248/proc.1.767 (2012)
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T. Claes, D. Vermeulen, P. De Heyn, K. De Vos, G. Roelkens, D. Van Thourhout, P. Bienstman,
Towards a silicon dual polarization ring resonator sensor for multiplexed and label-free structural analysis of molecular interactions, XI Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and biosensors ( EUROPTRODE XI), Spain, p.159 (2012)
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C. Lerma Arce, T. Claes, K. Komorowska, P. Bienstman,
Silicon Nanophotonic Sensors Integrated in Reaction Tubes, XI Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and biosensors ( EUROPTRODE XI), Spain, p.235 (2012)
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V. Toccafondo, J.G. Castello, M.J. Banuls, J. Escorihuela, T. Claes, P. Bienstman, A. Maquieira, J.Garcia-Ruperez,
Detecting on-chip DNA hybridization using silicon based mircoring resonators, XI Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and biosensors ( EUROPTRODE XI), Spain, p.155 (2012)
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C. Lerma Arce, D. Witters, J. Lammertyn, P. Bienstman,
Silicon Nanophotonic Sensors Incorporated in a Digital Microfluidic System, EUROPT(R)ODE XI, Spain, (2012)
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K.T Vandoorne, T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, P. Bienstman, D. Verstraeten, B. Schrauwen, J. Dambre,
Photonic reservoir computing and information processing with coupled semiconductor optical amplifiers, Fifth ‘RIO DE LA PLATA’ Workshop on Laser Dynamics and Nonlinear Photonics (invited), Uruguay, p.1-3 doi:10.1109/LDNP.2011.6162079 (2011)
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K.T Vandoorne, D. Verstraeten, B. Schrauwen, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Delays in photonic reservoir computing with semiconductor optical amplifiers, IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter Annual Symposium, Belgium, (2011)
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M. Fiers, T. Van Vaerenbergh, P. Dumon, K. Caluwaerts, B. Schrauwen, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
CAPHE: a circuit-level time-domain and frequency-domain modeling tool for nonlinear optical components., 16th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, (2011)
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P. Bienstman, T. Claes, C. Lerma Arce, W. Bogaerts, K. Komorowska, D. Van Thourhout,
Novel Ring Resonator Based Biosensors, CLEO Europe (invited), Germany, p.jsiv1.3-sun doi:10.1109/cleoe.2011.5943694 (2011)
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K. Quang Le, A. Abass, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, Andrea Alu,
Using localized plasmon resonances to enhance absorption efficiency in thin-film organic solar cells, Optical Nanostructures and Advanced Materials for Photovoltaics, United States, p.paper PThD3 doi:10.1364/pv.2011.pthd3 (2011)
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A. Abass, K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman, Andrea Alu, B. Maes, Marc Burgelman,
Combining front and back grating structures for broadband absorption enhancement in thin-film solar cells, Optical Nanostructures and Advanced Materials for Photovoltaics, United States, p.paper PWC4 doi:10.1364/pv.2011.pwc4 (2011)
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E. Hallynck, P. Bienstman,
Photonic Crystal biosensor in spatial Fourier domain, IPC 2011, United States, p.328-329 doi:10.1109/pho.2011.6110560 (2011)
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K.T Vandoorne, DAMBRE, Joni, VERSTRAETEN, David, SCHRAUWEN, Benjamin, P. Bienstman,
Speech recognition using photonic reservoir computing with semiconductor optical amplifiers, 2nd International Conference on Morphological computation (ICMC 2011), Italy, p.148 (2011)
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T. Claes, W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman,
Vernier-cascade silicon photonic label-free biosensor with very large sensitivity and low-cost interrogation, Proceedings of SPIE 8099, United States, doi:10.1117/12.891818 (2011)
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A. Abass, H. Shen, K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman, B. Maes,
On the angular dependent nature of absorption enhancement in organic solar cells by metallic nanostructures, 8th International Symposium on Modern Optics and Its Applications, Indonesia, p.PP-07 (2011)
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K.T Vandoorne, M. Fiers, T. Van Vaerenbergh, D. Verstraeten, B. Schrauwen, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Advances in photonic reservoir computing on an integrated platform, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) (invited), Sweden, p.Mo.B5.5 doi:10.1109/icton.2011.5970791 (2011)
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K.T Vandoorne, M. Fiers, D. Verstraeten, B. Schrauwen, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Optical signal processing with a network of semiconductor optical amplifiers in the context of photonic reservoir computing, SPIE Photonics West - OPTO, 7942, United States, p.79420P doi:10.1117/12.874165 (2011)
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K. Quang Le, A. Abass, B. Maes, P. Bienstman,
Plasmonic Nano-antennas for Absorption Enhancement in Thin-Film Silicon Solar Cells, NANOMETA 2011, Austria, (2011)
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K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman,
Nanoplasmonic ring resonator for biosensing applications, 15th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Netherlands, (2010)
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C. Lerma Arce, K. Komorowska, D. Van Thourhout, P. Bienstman,
Optical fiber probe sensor based on Silicon-on-Insulator ring resonator, Annual Symposium IEEE Photonics Benelux 2010 , Netherlands, p.133-136 (2010)
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K.T Vandoorne, J. Dambre, D. Verstraeten, B. Schrauwen, P. Bienstman,
Delays in photonic reservoir computing with Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers, IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter Annual Symposium, Netherlands, p.25-28 (2010)
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E. Hallynck, P. Bienstman,
Photonic crystal biosensor based on angular spectrum analysis, Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photononics Benelux Chapter, Netherlands, p.161-164 (2010)
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C. Lerma Arce, K. Komorowska, D. Van Thourhout, P. Bienstman,
Label-free biosensing with a silicon-on-insulator ring resonator integrated on an optical fiber facet, EWOFS, Portugal, (2010)
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Daniel Hill, Niklas Sandström, Kristinn Gylfason, Fredrik Carlborg, Mikael Karlsson, T. Moh, Tommy Haraldsson, Hans Sohlström, Aman Russom, Göran Stemme, Wouter van der Wijngaart, T. Claes, P. Bienstman, A. Kazmierczak, F. Dortu, M. J. Bañuls Polo, A. Maquieira Catala, G. M. Kresbach, L. Vivien, J. Popplewell, G. Ronan, C. A. Barrios,
Microfluidic and transducer technologies for lab on a chip applications, 32nd Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC, Argentina, p.305-307 (2010)
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E. Lambert, M. Fiers, W. Bogaerts, D. Vermeulen, P. Bienstman,
A Python Software Framework for the Design of Photonic Integrated Circuits, EuroScipy 2010, France, (2010)
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K.T Vandoorne, M. Fiers, D. Verstraeten, B. Schrauwen, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Photonic Reservoir Computing: a New Approach to Optical Information Processing, Workshop on "Cognitive and neural models for automated processing of speech and text" 2010 (CONAS), Belgium, (2010)
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B. Maes, A. Abass, H. Shen, P. Bienstman,
Plasmonic absorption enhancement in organic photovoltaics, ICTON (invited), Germany, p.We.A2.5 doi:10.1109/icton.2010.5549053 (2010)
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K.T Vandoorne, M. Fiers, D. Verstraeten, B. Schrauwen, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Photonic Reservoir Computing: a New Approach to Optical Information Processing, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks 2010 (ICTON) (invited), Germany, p.Th.A4.3 doi:10.1109/icton.2010.5548990 (2010)
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A. Abass, H. Shen, P. Bienstman, B. Maes,
Increasing Polymer Solar Cell Efficiency with Triangular Silver Gratings, Optical Nanostructures for Photovoltaics (PV) (invited), Germany, p.PWA5 doi:10.1364/pv.2010.pwa5 (2010)
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K. Quang Le, A. Abass, B. Maes, P. Bienstman,
Analytical study of enhanced optical absorption of molecules near silver nanoparticles, Optical Nanostructures for Photovoltaics (PV), Germany, p.PWB5 doi:10.1364/pv.2010.pwb5 (2010)
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P. Bienstman, K.T Vandoorne, M. Fiers, D. Verstraeten, J. Dambre, B. Schrauwen,
Photonic reservoir computing as a new paradigm for optical information processing, Photonics North 2010 (invited), Canada, p.196 (paper PDS-2-1-4) (2010)
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K. Quang Le, T. Benson, P. Bienstman,
Modified Padé Approximant Operators for Efficient Time-Domain Beam Propagators, 19th International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, United Kingdom, (2010)
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K. Quang Le, B. Maes, P. Bienstman,
Numerical Study of Plasmonic Nanoparticles Enhanced Light Emission in Silicon Light-Emitting Diodes, 15th European Conference on Integrated Optics, United Kingdom, (2010)
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K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman,
Enhanced Sensitivity of Absorption-Based Surface Plasmon Interference Sensors in Silicon-On-Insulator by Adsorbed Layer, 15th European Conference on Integrated Optics, United Kingdom, (2010)
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K. De Vos, J. Girones, T. Claes, E. Schacht, R. Baets, P. Bienstman,
High throughput label-free biosensing with silicon-on-insulator microring resonators, Europt(r)ode X , Czech Republic, (2010)
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G. Yurtsever, K. De Vos, T. Claes, P.P.P. Debackere, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Photonic Biosensors in Silicon-on-Insulator , 2nd International Conference On Silicon Photonics (invited), United States, (2010)
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B. Maes, H. Shen, P. Bienstman,
Plasmonic nanoparticle enhancement in thin organic solar cells, ICTON Mediterranean Winter - COST MP0702 workshop, France, doi:10.1109/ictonmw.2009.5385626 (2009)
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K. Quang Le, H.G. Dantanarayana, E.A. Romanova, T. Benson, P. Bienstman,
Comparative Assessment of Time-Domain Models of Nonlinear Optical Propagation, 3rd ICTON-MW, France, doi:10.1109/ictonmw.2009.5385628 (2009)
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K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman,
Modeling the optical properties of metallic nanoparticles, 14th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Belgium, Belgium, p.217-220 (2009)
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M. Fiers, B. Maes, P. Bienstman,
Dynamics of coupled cavities for optical reservoir computing, IEEE Photonics Benelux symposium, Belgium, p.129-132 (2009)
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H. Shen, P. Bienstman, B. Maes,
Absorption enhancement in organic solar cells by metallic nanoparticles, Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photononics Benelux Chapter, Belgium, p.85-88 (2009)
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K. De Vos, J. Girones Molera, Y. De Koninck, E. Schacht, R. Baets, P. Bienstman,
Multiplexed protein detection with an array of silicon-on-insulator microring resonators, 22nd Annual Meeting of the IEEE Photonics Society (invited), Turkey, p.457-458 doi:10.1109/leos.2009.5343180 (2009)
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S. Selvaraja, K. De Vos, W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
Effect of Device Density on the Uniformity of Silicon Nano-Photonic Waveguide Devices, The 22nd Annual Meeting of the IEEE Photonics Society, Turkey, p.311-312 doi:10.1109/leos.2009.5343250 (2009)
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K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman,
Non-paraxial beam propagation in nonlinear optical waveguides using complex Jacobi iteration, 9th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, South Korea, doi:10.1109/nusod.2009.5297205 (2009)
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B. Maes, M. Fiers, P. Bienstman,
Self-pulsing and chaos in networks of nonlinear resonators, 18th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS) (invited), Spain, p.345 (2009)
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K. De Vos, P.P.P. Debackere, T. Claes, J. Girones, W.A.D. De Cort, E. Schacht, R. Baets, P. Bienstman,
Label-free biosensors on silicon-on-insulator optical chips, SPIE Optics and Photonics (invited), 7397(37), United States, doi:10.1117/12.825648 (2009)
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B. Maes, M. Fiers, K. Huybrechts, G. Morthier, P. Bienstman,
Dynamics and Instabilities in Series of Coupled Nonlinear Resonators, ICTON 2009 (invited), Portugal, p.We.C4.3 doi:10.1109/icton.2009.5185249 (2009)
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K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman, G. Ronald Hadley,
Fast wide-angle BPMs using complex Jacobi iteration, XVIII th International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, Germany, (2009)
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P. Bienstman, K. De Vos, T. Claes, P.P.P. Debackere, R. Baets, J. Girones, E. Schacht,
Biosensors in silicon on insulator, Proceedings of SPIE Photonics West 2009-OPTO: Integrated Optoelectronics Devices, 7220, United States, p.722000 (9 pages) doi:10.1117/12.806608 (2009)
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B. Maes, B. Moens, P.P.P. Debackere, P. Bienstman,
A Compact Integrated Plasmonic Modulator, The 2nd European Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, 33A, Austria, p.MON5o.1 (2009)
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T. Claes, J. Girones, K. De Vos, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Label-free biosensing with silicon-on-insulator slotted racetrack resonator, Proceedings Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, 2008, Netherlands, p.23-26 (2008)
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K. Quang Le, R. Godoy-Rubio, P. Bienstman, G. R. Hadley,
A three-dimensional non-paraxial beam propagation method using complex Jacobi iteration, 13th Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Netherlands, p.221-224 (2008)
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P.P.P. Debackere, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Experimental Characterization of Biosensor based on Surface Plasmon Nano Interferometer, Leos Annual Meeting, United States, p.TuY2 doi:10.1109/leos.2008.4688628 (2008)
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R. Baets, D. Van Thourhout, P. Bienstman, G. Roelkens, P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts,
Silicon photonics: opportunities and challenges, Asia Optical Fiber Communication & optoelectronic Exposition & Conference (AOE 2008) (invited), China, p.paper SaH1.pdf doi:10.1364/acp.2012.ath1b.1 (2008)
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K. Quang Le, R. Godoy-Rubio, P. Bienstman, G. Ronald Hadley,
A Three-Dimensional Non-Paraxial Beam Propagation Method using Complex Jacobi Iteration, International workshop on photonics and applications, Vietnam, (2008)
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K.T Vandoorne, W. Dierckx, B. Schrauwen, D. Verstraeten, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, J. Van Campenhout,
Photonic reservoir computing with coupled semiconductor optical amplifiers, First International Workshop on Optical Supercomputing (OSC 2008), LNCS 5172, Austria, p.46-55 doi:10.1007/978-3-540-85673-3_4 (2008)
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B. Maes, K. Huybrechts, G. Morthier, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Switching with Coupled Photonic Crystal Cavities, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures (invited), Italy, (2008)
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B. Maes, K. Huybrechts, G. Morthier, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Nonlinear Switching Effects in Coupled Micro-photonic Cavities, Progress In Electromagnetics Research 2008 (invited), United States, p.187 (2008)
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K. De Vos, P.P.P. Debackere, R. Baets, P. Bienstman,
Label-free biosensors on Silicon-on-Insulator optical chips based on microring cavities and surface plasmon interferometry, ICTON 2008 (invited), 2, Greece, p.88-91 doi:10.1109/icton.2008.4598599 (2008)
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W. Bogaerts, L. Vanholme, P. Bradt, P. Bienstman,
Closed-loop modeling of silicon nanophotonics: from design to fabrication and back again, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO 08) (invited), Netherlands, p.397-398 (2008)
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P.P.P. Debackere, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Surface plasmon based biosensor in silicon-on-insulator: design, fabrication and characterisation, The Tenth World Congress on Biosensensors, China, p.P2.171 (2008)
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K.T Vandoorne, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Photonic Reservoir Computing: interconnected Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers, ePIXnet Spring School - Technology for Photonics Integration, Italy, p.14 (2008)
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H.J.R. Greiner, P. Bienstman, J. Pond, P. Vandersteegen,
FDTD and RCWA simulations of oled light extraction structures, SPIE Photonics Europe conference, France, p.174 (2008)
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K.T Vandoorne, P. Bienstman,
A photonic implementation of reservoir computing, 12th Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Belgium, p.195-198 (2007)
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D. Van Thourhout, W. Bogaerts, J. Brouckaert, P. Dumon, G. Roelkens, S. Scheerlinck, S. Selvaraja, J. Schrauwen, D. Taillaert, J. Van Campenhout, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Silicon nanophotonics on CMOS, 33rd International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Engineering 2007 (MNE07), Denmark, p.113-114 (2007)
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P. Vandersteegen, S. Mladenovski, V. van Elsbergen, G. Gaertner, P. Bienstman, K. Neyts, R. Baets,
Light extraction for a doubly resonant cavity organic LED: the RC2LED, SPIE Optics & Photonics 2007, 6655(37), United States, doi:10.1117/12.732524 (2007)
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B. Maes, M. Ibanescu, M. Soljacic, J.D. Joannopoulos, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Analysis of linear and nonlinear photonic devices using eigenmode expansion, Photonics North 2007, Proceedings of SPIE (invited), 6796, Canada, p.67963B-1 doi:10.1117/12.778957 (2007)
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K.T Vandoorne, P. Bienstman,
A photonic implementation of reservoir computing, Proceedings Workshop of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Netherlands, p.25-26 (2007)
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P.P.P. Debackere, K. De Vos, S. Scheerlinck, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Silicon-on-Insulator as a Platform for Biosensors, Frontiers research Meeting, (2007)
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P. Vandersteegen, A. Ullan Nieto, C. Van Buggenhout, S. Verstuyft, P. Bienstman, P.P.P. Debackere, K. Neyts, R. Baets,
Employing a 2D surface grating to improve light out coupling of a substrate emitting organic LED, Photonics West 2007: Integrated Optoelectronics Devices, 6486, United States, p.64860H doi:10.1117/12.701344 (2007)
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P. Bienstman, P. Vandersteegen, R. Baets,
Modelling light extraction in 3D organic LEDs containing photonic crystals, OWTNM, Denmark, p.73 (2007)
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K.T Vandoorne, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
A Photonic Implementation of Reservoir Computing, ePIXnet Winter School - Applications of Photonic Integration, Switzerland, p.65 (2007)
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K. De Vos, I. Bartolozzi, D. Taillaert, W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, E. Schacht,
Optical biosensor based on silicon-on-insolator microring cavities for specific protein detection, Proc. of SPIE Photonics West (BiOS), 6447, United States, p.6447DK-1 doi:10.1117/12.698875 (2007)
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P.P.P. Debackere, D. Taillaert, S. Scheerlinck, K. De Vos, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Si based waveguide and surface plasmon sensors, Photonics West 2007: Silicon Photonics II (invited), 6477, United States, p.647719 doi:10.1117/12.702040 (2007)
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R. Baets, P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts, G. Roelkens, D. Taillaert, J. Brouckaert, K. De Vos, J. Roels, S. Selvaraja, F. Van Laere, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout,
Silicon Photonics, 2007 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications (VLSI-TSA), Proceedings of Technical Papers, p.7-9 (2007)
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K. De Vos, I. Bartolozzi, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, E. Schacht,
Optical Biosensor based on Silicon-on-Insulator Microring Resonators for Specific Protein Binding Detection, LEOS Benelux Annual Symposium, Netherlands, (2006)
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P.P.P. Debackere, S. Scheerlinck, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
A Biosensor based on Surface Plasmon Interference, LEOS Benelux Annual Symposium, Netherlands, (2006)
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P. Vandersteegen, C. Van Buggenhout, A. Ullan Nieto, S. Verstuyft, P. Bienstman, K. Neyts, R. Baets,
Increasing light extraction of a substrate emitting OLED using a 2D surface grating, 2006 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings , Canada, p.502-503 doi:10.1109/leos.2006.278739 (2006)
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P.P.P. Debackere, S. Scheerlinck, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Surface Plasmon Interferometer in Silicon-on-Insulator: Novel Concept for an Integrated Biosensor, Group IV Photonics , Canada, p.7-10 doi:10.1109/group4.2006.1708147 (2006)
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P. Bienstman, P. Vandersteegen, B. Maes, R. Baets,
Modeling methods for high-index contrast linear and non-linear nanophotonics, NUSOD 2006 (Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronics Devices) (invited), Singapore, doi:10.1109/nusod.2006.306763 (2006)
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P. Vandersteegen, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Extensions of the Complex Jacobi Iteration to simulate Photonic Wavelength Scale Components, European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECCOMAS CFD 2006), Netherlands, (2006)
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P. Bienstman, P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts, D. Taillaert, F. Van Laere, K. De Vos, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
Silicon nanophotonics using deep-UV lithography, APOC 2006 (invited), 6351(99), South Korea, doi:10.1117/12.690594 (2006)
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P.P.P. Debackere, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Improved ASR convergence for the simulation of Surface Plasmon Waveguide Modes, ICTON (COSTP 11 training school), p.We.P.15 doi:10.1109/icton.2006.248460 (2006)
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P. Vandersteegen, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, A. Dewandre, M. Haelterman,
Simulations of Kerr based non linear optical components with the Complex Jacobi iteration, ICTON (COSTP11 training school), p.We.P.14 doi:10.1109/icton.2006.248459 (2006)
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P. Vandersteegen, C. Van Buggenhout, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Numerical Investigation of a 2D-Grating for Light Extraction of a Bottom Emitting OLED, ICTON, p.We.C.2.6 doi:10.1109/icton.2006.248376 (2006)
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P. Bienstman, F. Van Laere, D. Taillaert, P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts, K. De Vos, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
High index-contrast silicon-on-insulator nanophotonics, ICTON (invited), United Kingdom, p.Tu.D2.1 doi:10.1109/icton.2006.248354 (2006)
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K. De Vos, I. Bartolozzi, P. Dumon, S. Scheerlinck, W. Bogaerts, D. Taillaert, E. Schacht, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Silicon-on-Insulator Microring for Label-Free Biosensing , NanoBioEurope, France, (2006)
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P. Bienstman, F. Van Laere, D. Taillaert, P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts, K. De Vos, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
High index-contrast silicon-on-insulator nanophotonics, PPCM, Belgium, p.4 (2006)
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P. Bienstman, S. Selleri, H.P. Uranus, W.C.L. Hopman, A. Melloni, R. Costa, L.C. Andreani, P. Lalanne, J.P. Hugonin, D. Pinto, S.S.A. Obayya,
Modelling lossy photonic wires: a mode solver comparison, OWTNM 2006, Italy, p.5 (2006)
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F. Morichetti, A. Melloni, P. Bienstman, G.R.A. Priem, J. Petracek,
Self-phase modulation in slow-wave structures: a comparative numerical analysis, OWTNM 2006, Italy, p.27 (2006)
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P.P.P. Debackere, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Improved ASR Convergence for the Simulation of Surface Plasmon Waveguide Modes, OWTNM 2006, Italy, p.14 (2006)
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K. De Vos, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Label-free biosensor based on actove and passive resonant cavities, ePIXnet Winter School, Optoelectronic Integration - Technology and Applications, Switzerland, p.76 (2006)
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P. Vandersteegen, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Simulating non-linear third order effects with the adapted complex Jacobi iteration method, 2005 IEEE/LEOS Symposium Benelux Chapter Proceedings, Belgium, p.193-196 (2005)
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G.R.A. Priem, P. Vandersteegen, P. Bienstman, G. Morthier, R. Baets,
Ultrafast, all-optical regeneration functionalities inside a Kerr-nonlinear platform, LEOS ANNUAL 2005, Australia, p.WF4 doi:10.1109/leos.2005.1548095 (2005)
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R. Baets, P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts, G. Roelkens, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, G.R.A. Priem, G. Morthier, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout,
Silicon-on-insulator based Nano-photonics: Why, How, What for?, Group IV Photonics (invited), Belgium, p.168-170 (2005)
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B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Efficient and rigorous modeling of second-harmonic generation including moderate pump-depletion, Proceedings of OSA Topical Meetings : Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications (NLGW 05), Germany, p.ThB15 doi:10.1364/nlgw.2005.thb15 (2005)
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G. Van der Sande, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, J. Danckaert, R. Baets, I. Veretennicoff,
Nonlinear lattice model for self-localized waveguides in nonlinear photonic crystals, SPIE International Congress on Optics and Optoelectronics, Poland, p.5949-22 doi:10.1117/12.623032 (2005).
P. Bienstman, B. Maes, P. Vandersteegen, R. Baets,
Modelling of non-linear nanophotonic devices, OWTNM (invited), Australia, p.32 (2005)
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P. Sanchis, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, J. Marti,
Semi-analytic approach for coupling issues in photonic crystal structures, Workshop on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS-VI), Greece, p.D.3 (2005)
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J. Van Campenhout, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
Membrane-type DBR-microlasers for the integration of electronic and photonic ICs, Workshop on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS-VI), Greece, p.D.32 (2005)
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B. Maes, G. Van der Sande, P. Bienstman, J. Danckaert, R. Baets, I. Veretennicoff,
Self-localized Waveguides in Nonlinear Photonic Crystals, IPRA, United States, p.ITuB2 doi:10.1364/ipra.2005.itub2 (2005)
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P. Vandersteegen, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Extending the Complex Jacobi Iteration method to simulate Kerr non-linear effects, OWTNM 2005, France, (2005)
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P. Sanchis, J. Marti, J. Garcia, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Semi-analytic analysis of complex photonic crystal structures, 13th International workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling (OWTNM 2005), France, p.FrB1-4 (2005)
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P. Sanchis, J. Marti, J. Garcia, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Semi-analysis of complex photonic crystal structures, 12th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO, France, p.347-350 (2005)
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G.R.A. Priem, P. Dumon, P. Bienstman, G. Morthier, R. Baets,
Effect of loss mechanisms on Kerr-nonlinear resonator behaviour, IPRA 2005, United States, doi:10.1364/ipra.2005.ituc4 (2005)
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G.R.A. Priem, P. Bienstman, G. Morthier, R. Baets,
Effect of two-photon absorption on Kerr-nonlinear resonator behaviour, 2004 IEEE/LEOS Benelux Annual Symposium , Belgium, p.231-234 (2004).
G.R.A. Priem, P. Bienstman, G. Morthier, R. Baets,
Resonator-based all-optical phase shifting in pump-probe configuration, 2004 IEEE/LEOS Benelux Annual Symposium , Belgium, p.259-262 (2004).
J. Van Campenhout, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Membrane-type photonic-crystal microlasers for the integration of electronic and photonic ICs, IEEE/LEOS BENELUX Chapter - 2004 Annual Symposium, Belgium, p.279-282 (2004)
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B. Luyssaert, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
A versatile spot-size converter design, Proceedings Symposium IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Belgium, p.99-102 (2004)
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G. Van der Sande, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, J. Danckaert, R. Baets, I. Veretennicoff,
Semi-analytical model for spatial solitons in non-linear photonic crystals, Proceedings Symposium IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Belgium, p.303-306 (2004).
R. Baets, P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts, D. Van Thourhout, B. Luyssaert, D. Taillaert, P. Bienstman, V. Wiaux, S. Beckx, J. Wouters,
Silicon-on-insulator platform for WDM-components, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting (proceedings available on CD-Rom) (invited), Puerto Rico, p.741-742 doi:10.1109/leos.2004.1363452 (2004)
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R. Baets, W. Bogaerts, P. Dumon, G. Roelkens, I. Christiaens, K. De Mesel, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, J. Van Campenhout, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout, Wiaux, Vincent, Wouters, Johan, Beckx, Stefan,
Integration of photonic functions in and with Silicon, ESSDERC/ESSCIRC (invited), Belgium, (2004)
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P. Bienstman, W. Bogaerts, P. Dumon, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, R. Baets,
Nanophotonics based on high-index-contrast photonics devices, OECC/COIN (invited), Japan, p.14E4-1 (2004).
S. Assefa, P. Rakich, P. Bienstman, S. Johnson, J. Joannopoulos, G. Petrich, L. Kolodziejski, E. Ippen, H. Smith,
Waveguiding in photonic crystals consisting of dielectric pillars near 1550 nm, CLEO 2004, United States, (2004)
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P. Bienstman,
Hybrid mode finder for waveguides with a 2D cross-section, PIERS 2004 (invited), Italy, p.Session 52, paper 2 (2004).
B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
A novel photonic crystal flip-flop device, OSA Topical Meetings : Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications (proceedings available on CD-Rom), Canada, p.TUC45 doi:10.1364/nlgw.2004.tuc45 (2004).
P. Sanchis, J. Marti, B. Luyssaert, P. Dumon, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Analysis and design of efficient coupling into photonic crystal circuits, OWTNM04, Belgium, p.27 (2004).
P. Bienstman,
Hybrid mode finder for waveguides with a 2D cross section, OWTNM04, Belgium, p.76 (2004).
B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Modeling second harmonic generation with mode expansion, OWTNM04, Belgium, p.36 (2004).
P. Sanchis, J. Marti, P. Bienstman, B. Luyssaert, R. Baets,
Analytic expressions for transmission and reflection from semi-infinite photonic crystal waveguides, Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS-V), Tu-P31, Japan, (2004).
J. Van Campenhout, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Band edge lasing in metal-clad multimode photonic crystal slabs, Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS-V), Japan, p.233 (2004)
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B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Bloch modes and self-localized waveguides in nonlinear photonic crystals, IEEE/Leos Benelux Annual Symposium 2003, Netherlands, p.233-236 (2003).
R. Baets, W. Bogaerts, D. Taillaert, P. Dumon, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout, J. Van Campenhout, V. Wiaux, J. Wouters, S. Beckx,
Low loss nanophotonic waveguides and ring resonators in silicon-on-insulator, Proceedings of the International School of Quantum Electronics , 39th course "Microresonators as building blocks for VLSI photonics", 709, Italy, p.308-327 doi:10.1063/1.1764026 (2003)
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R. Baets, P. Bienstman, W. Bogaerts, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert,
Coupling issues in strongly confined nanophotonic waveguides, 2003 Digest of the LEOS Summer Topical Meetings (invited), Canada, p.41-42 doi:10.1109/leosst.2003.1224266 (2003).
R. Baets, P. Bienstman, W. Bogaerts, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert,
Coupling issues in strongly confined nanophotonic waveguides, ICTON 2003 (invited), Poland, p.191-192 doi:10.1109/icton.2003.1264613 (2003)
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S. Johnson, M. Povinelli, P. Bienstman, M. Skorobogatiy, M. Soljacic, M. Ibanescu, E. Likoridis, J. Joannopoulos,
Coupling, scattering and perturbation theory: semi-analytical analyses of photonic crystal waveguides, ICTON 2003, Poland, p.103-109 (2003)
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B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Rigorous modelling of non-linear photonic components with mode expansion and spatial index discretisation, IPR, United States, p.105-107 doi:10.1364/ipr.2003.itub2 (2003).
P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Eigenmode Expansion using perfectly matched layers, Integrated Photonics Research (invited), United States, p.134-136 doi:10.1364/ipr.2003.itud1 (2003).
S. Assefa, P. Bienstman, P. Rakich, S. Johnson, J. Joannopoulos, G. Petrich, L. Kolodziejski, E. Ippen,
Coupling into photonic crystal waveguides , CLEO/QELS, United States, p.150 (2003)
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F. Olyslager, H. Derudder, D. De Zutter, H. Rogier, D. Pissoort, D. Vande Ginste, P. Bienstman, L. Knockaert,
Perfectly matched layers in semi-analytical techniques, Workshop on advanced computational electromagnetics, Belgium, (2003).
W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Sidewall Roughness in Photonic Crystal Slabs: A Comparison of High-Contrast Membranes and Low-Contrast III-V Epitaxial Structures, European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO), Czech Republic, p.349-352 (2003)
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B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Rigorous modelling of non-linear wavelength-scale structures with mode expansion and spatial index discretisation, OWTNM 2003 (Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling), 11, Czech Republic, p.98 (2003).
P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Vectorial Eigenmode Modelling using Perfectly Matched Layer Boundaty Conditions, OWTNM 2003 (Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling), 11, Czech Republic, p.42 (2003).
R. Baets, D. Delbeke, R. Bockstaele, P. Bienstman,
Resonant-cavity light-emitting diodes: a review, Proceedings of SPIE (invited), 4996, United States, p.74-86 doi:10.1117/12.476588 (2003)
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P. Bienstman, L. Vanholme, R. Baets,
Eigenmode Modeling of Photonic Crystal Devices, 2002 IEEE/LEOS Benelux Annual Symposium , Netherlands, p.5-8 (2002)
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B. Luyssaert, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
2D simulations of various compact spot-size converters, 2002 IEEE/LEOS Benelux Annual Symposium, Netherlands, p.203-206 (2002).
W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Out-of-plane scattering at sidewall roughness in photonic crystal slabs, 2002 IEEE/LEOS Benelux Annual Symposium , Netherlands, p.79-82 (2002)
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D. Taillaert, W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Out-of-plane fiber coupler for coupling to high-index-contrast waveguides, PECS-IV, United States, p.155 (2002)
. -
K.C. Huang, P. Bienstman, J.D. Joannopoulos, K.A. Nelson, S. Fan,
Excited by the sound of photonic crystals: Phonon-polariton excitations in photonic crystals, PECS-IV, United States, p.88 (2002).
R. Baets, W. Bogaerts, D. Delbeke, P. Bienstman, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert,
Photonic crystal and light extraction enhancement possibilities, 11th International Workshop on Inorganic and Organic Electroluminescence & 2002 International Conference on the Science and Technology of Emissive Displays and Lighting (EL 2002) (invited), Belgium, p. 559-563 (2002).
P. Bienstman,
Efficient modelling methods for photonic crystal devices, European workshop on two-dimensional photonic crystals (invited), Switzerland, (2002).
P. Bienstman,
Efficient modelling of photonic crystal structures based on vectorial eigenmode expansion, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2002 (invited), United States, (2002).
F.W.J. Fransoo, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Photonic IC for optical detection with sub wavelength resolution , IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Belgium, p.205-208 (2001)
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B. Luyssaert, D. Taillaert, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Compact mode converters for PICs, 6th Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Belgium, p.205-208 (2001).
D. Taillaert, W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, T.F. Krauss, P. Van Daele, I. Moerman, R. Baets,
An out-of-plane grating coupler for efficient butt-coupling between compact planar waveguides and single-mode fibres, 6th Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Belgium, p.17-20 (2001).
D. Taillaert, W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, T.F. Krauss, I. Moerman, P. Van Daele, R. Baets,
A high-efficiency out-of-plane fibre coupler for coupling to high index contrast waveguides, ECOC 01, Netherlands, p.30-31 doi:10.1109/ecoc.2001.989034 (2001)
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R. Baets, P. Bienstman, W. Bogaerts, D. Taillaert,
Guided wave photonic ICs: photonic crystals versus total internal reflection, PECS III (invited), United Kingdom, (2001).
D. Taillaert, W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, D. De Zutter, R. Baets,
Design of an out-of-plane coupler for efficient butt-coupling from photonic crystal waveguides to single-mode fibres, PECS III, United Kingdom, (2001).
W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, D. Taillaert, R. Baets,
Out-of-plane scattering in photonic crystal slabs, Conference Proceedings of LEOS, Costa Rica, p.PD1.5 (2000)
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W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, D. Taillaert, R. Baets,
Out-of-plane scattering losses in 1D photonic crystal slabs, Proceedings Symposium IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter,2000, Netherlands, p.35-37 (2000)
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W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, D. Taillaert, R. Baets,
Out-of-plane scattering in 1D photonic crystal slabs, Summer School and European Optical Society Topical Meeting in Semiconductor Microcavity Photonics, Switzerland, (2000).
P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
VCSEL modelling based on vectorial eigenmode expansion and perfectly matched layer boundary conditions, Meeting of the COST 268 and European workshop on VCSELs : From physics to applications (Workshop), Belgium, (2000).
P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Waveguide and resonator modeling based on vectorial eigenmode expension and perfectly matched layer boundery conditions, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - PIERS 2000, United States, p.175 (2000).
P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Optical VCSEL model based on vectorial eigenmode expansion and perfectly matched layer boundary conditions, Proceedings Symposium IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, 1999, Belgium, p.155-158 (1999).
F. Berghmans, S. Coenen, B. Brichard, F. Vos, M.C. Decréton, G. Verschaffelt, A. de la Fuente, I. Veretennicoff, H. Thienpont, R. Bockstaele, P. Bienstman, C. Sys, B. Dhoedt, I. Moerman, R. Baets, P. Van Daele, J. Jönsson,
Prelimimary results on high total dose testing of semiconductor photonic sources: a comparison of VCSELs and resonant cavity LEDs, SPIE Conference on Photonics for Space Environments VI, 3440, United States, p.47-56 doi:10.1117/12.326698 (1999)
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P. Bienstman, B. Demeulenaere, B. Dhoedt, R. Baets,
Rigorous optical VCSEL modelling based on vectorial eigenmode expension, 1999 Digest of the LEOS Summer Topical Meetings (invited), United States, p.35-36 doi:10.1109/leosst.1999.794702 (1999)
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P. Bienstman, W. Bogaerts, R. Bockstaele, D. Delbeke, S. Goeman, B. Depreter, J. Derluyn, C. Sys, L. Vanwassenhove, B. Dhoedt, I. Moerman, P. Van Daele, R. Baets,
Microcavity and PBG-related activities at the University of Gent, COST 268 Wavelenght Scale Photonic Components for Telecommunications (Workshop), Sweden, (1999).
National Journals
F. Marchesin, P. Bienstman,
Braided interferometer mesh for robust photonic matrix-vector multiplications with non-ideal components, Optics Express, doi:10.1364/OE.547206 (2025).
R. Baets, P. Bienstman, R. Bockstaele, W. Bogaerts, D. Delbeke, G. Morthier, D. Van Thourhout,
Fotonica: Kleine chips voor grote toepassingen, Het Ingenieursblad, 78(2), p.16-22 (2009)
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P. Bienstman,
Met de snelheid van het licht, Het Ingenieursblad, 11-12, p.64-69 (1998).
National Conferences
A. Foradori, A. Lugnan, L. Pavesi, P. Bienstman,
Reservoir computing with a silicon microring resonator matrix for image classification, ICOP 2024, Italy, p.1 (2024)
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P. Bienstman, J. Dambre, A. Lugnan, S. Sackesyn, C. Ma, E.J.C. Gooskens, M. Gouda, S. Masaad,
Photonic Neuromorphic Computing Using Silicon Chips, BePOM (invited), (2021)
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E. Lievens, E. Picavet, K. De Buysser, D. Van Thourhout, P. Bienstman, J. Beeckman,
Characterization of electro-optically active thin films for photonic circuits, BePOM, (2021)
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T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, K.T Vandoorne, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman,
Photonic Reservoir Computing using thermal nonlinearities in microrings, 12th FEA PhD Symposium, (2011)
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E. Hallynck, P. Bienstman,
Photonic biosensor in the angular spectrum, 11e UGent - Firw Doctoraatssymposium, Belgium, p.128 (2010)
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K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman,
Enhanced Sensitivity of Silicon-On-Insulator Surface Plasmon Interference Biosensors with Additional Silicon Top Layer, 11th FirW PhD Symposium, Belgium, (2010)
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K.T Vandoorne, P. Bienstman,
Photonic reservoir computing with SOAs and delays, FirW Doctoraatssymposium, Belgium, p.139 (2010)
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K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman,
Modified Padé-Approximant-Based Wide-Angle Beam Propagators, 10th FirW PhD Symposium, Belgium, (2009)
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E. Hallynck, P. Bienstman,
Photonic crystal biosensing, 10e UGent - Firw Doctoraatssymposium , (2009)
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K. De Vos, J. Girones, R. Baets, P. Bienstman,
Photonics microring biosensor platform, PhD Symposium, Belgium, (2008)
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K. De Vos, I. Bartolozzi, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, E. Schacht,
Optical Biosensor based on Silicon-on-Insulator Microring Resonators for Specific Protein Binding Detection, PhD Symposium, Belgium, (2006)
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J. Van Campenhout, D. Van Thourhout, P. Bienstman, C. Seassal, P. Rojo-Romeo, L. Di Cioccio, J.-M. Fedeli,
Membrane microlasers for the integration of photonic and electronic Ics, 6th UGent-FirW Doctoraatssymposium, Belgium, p.39 (paper nr. 29) (2005)
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G.R.A. Priem, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout,
Nonlinear behaviour in nanophotonic structures for ultrafast signal processing, 6th UGent-FirW Doctoraatssymposium, Belgium, p.39 (paper nr. 28) (2005).
P. Vandersteegen, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Extension of a complex jacobi iteration technique to simulate wavelength scale photonic components, 5th FTW PHD Symposium, Interactive poster session, paper nr. 18 (proceedings available on CD-Rom) , Belgium, (2004).
W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, D. Taillaert, R. Baets,
Photonic crystal slabs : how to reduce out-of-plane scattering losses, 1st doctoraatssymposium FTW, Belgium, (2000)
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